
by Fallen Star 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fallen Star
    Fallen Star

    You heretics, you think you speak the truth, yet you lie and take advantage of those in need! I know your ways, aiming for people that can't even read. You crazed hypocrites! You believe that Jesus came once again? Of course, he came walking around saying hi to everyone and dancing. Charles Taze must have been mental to think he knew when he was coming AGAIN. God speaks only through the bible, and he promised he would come, and that's all that matters. If you believe you can foretell his coming, shut up and hide in a corner. I'm sick of getting your brochures every Saturday! Heretics, mindless heretics!

  • wednesday

    lol you are in the right place. read some of the threads. too funny. this is a mostly xjws site and a lot of us hate the jws theology as much as you seem to.

  • erynw

    Welcome to the board.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Ah Fallen Star you know this not a pro JWS site don't you ?

  • Honesty

    Hello Fallen Star and welcome to the bored!!!

    Most of us here agree with you.

    We are what the loyal Jehovah's Witnesses call APOSTATES.

    We are maligned, vilfied and hated by all loyal Jehovah's Witnesses because we don't want their books, magazines, tracts, tainted bible or anything else from their demon god.

    We have been set free from the cult.

  • eclipse

    Welcome, Fall Star,

    I think you have us confused with the believers that attend the kingdom hall. (what Wednesday said)

    Most of us here are ex-JW's.

    Take your rant, draw it up on a large poster, and tape it to the side of your local Kingdom Hall.

    That should give the JW's the message that you want them to get.

  • Outaservice

    Hey Fallen Star, don't you beat around the bush, just tell us how you feel! Okay?


  • Fallen Star
    Fallen Star

    I'm so sorry, I thought this site was for Jehovah's Witnesses, I'm a Christian myself, so why would I call you all heretics? I'm very sorry, I was mixed up! 0o

  • Gregor

    You're preaching to the choir.

  • BabaYaga

    That's okay, Fallen Star, we love you for it and we all got a kick out of it. Stick around, you'll like it here.


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