
by Fallen Star 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Fallen Star,

    You so crazy

    but I like your style!

  • reneeisorym

    Welcome to the board!

    Advice for the day: You catch more bees with honey.

  • blueviceroy

    I am free of all religions ,,all the cults of MAN prey on the weak minded or needysoul that seeks relief or enlightenment .Organized Religion is the greatest tool of EVIL there is .

  • smellsgood

    You heretics, you think you speak the truth, yet you lie and take advantage of those in need! I know your ways, aiming for people that can't even read.

    smellsgood: Maybe instead of hollering and namecalling, you should be nice to them, in a congenially way let them know how their religion is rubbish. They're not gonna stop going door to door, but if you learn enough about their religion, you could possibly help somebody out of a mind control cult. Get an education about them


    try and help. If nothing else, they will probably stop coming to your door if you start asking about the 607 date, the multitude of failed prophecies, the organ transplant ban etc.

    You said your a Christian? Well, I guess than do you think you're being very "Christian" to these people. Enough getting mad about it. They are to be pitied as peddlers of filth from the WT borganization. It's awful enough they have to digest the WT filth without being compelled to preach it. Read around here. I don't think the JW's enjoy it. It's part of the WT salvation package.

  • Carmel

    ...which bible is God limited to?? carmel

  • sass_my_frass

    Keep it together, star!

  • Sparkplug

    Oh my...between busybee and funkyderek my sides are aching. Oh my. I have had a good chuckle too.

  • restrangled


    Another religious fanatic. Get over yourself and you know what you can do with your religion....keep it to your self and show some respect to those around you.

    By the way, welcome.


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