letter from my MOM(response to COC)

by purplesofa 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • is there help out there
    is there help out there

    I think many do not leave is becouse they just have no place to go. There are so many thing out there that are fine and beatufil that they do not know about becouse the WT has said they are evil and we all know that they are not. Like the JW who approched me in the A&P parking lot this morning she was like a polictial candate running for election knowing she did not have a chance to win.

  • observador


    Interesting that really serious things happened in the early 80s and she dismisses them as "a long time ago", and yet some basic and important things for JW beliefs supposedly happened as early as 1914 and she apparently sees no problem with them.

    She apparently sees no problem us living almost 100 years after the "last days" of this "wicked system of things" started, and still no big A.



    Purps..Jehovah`s Witness`s are offended by anything said negative,about the WBT$.....There is no nice way,to point out the WBT$ is corrupt..Any negative comment about the WBT$,is an absolute insult to Jehovah`s Witness`s..They are Brainwashed Cult Members..And..Many like your mom,are "Institutionalized"..They will never leave..Ever...OUTLAW

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    I don't think it's ever too late for people to change.

    I don't like to hear about people being too old for making friends and such.

    I have problems with that attitude because it seems very discriminatory and seems to reinforce the WT Society's aims: give up on "the world" and on "worldly" people; there's nothing out there for you (except to convert others), etc.

    I'm not saying one needs to harass everyone about it, but I don't think we have to assume that every older person is completely helpless or hopeless. The Society really likes to infantalize us all in various ways. I'd like to try not to do it to others.

    My living grandma is very old, and is losing her mind in some ways, but she is still cognizant and able to process some information. If she got around to being able to see and read again, they might have a hassle with her questioning things, as she did a bit of rebelling a few years back, regarding me, and it caused quite a flap.

    My deceased grandmother and a jw aunt and uncle also not-so-secretly disagreed with my d'f'ing, although their attitudes and behavior were eventually "adjusted" by the elders (and by my refusal to "repent"). But anyway, I once again digress.

    There have been posts at this forum by a number of people who left the truth at an age one might not have thought possible, right?

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    But, then again, I just finished pointing out in another thread that I am getting pretty resigned to the likelihood that what you said, OUTLAW, is very applicable to my immediate family, and that they'll never get out of their Watchtower-guarded prison.

    It is both angering and saddening, but I have some other things to do and see . . . maybe I'll go to RiverFest tomorrow and help my landlady with some of her mess. I've been putting it off all day, anyway.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Sorry for the ramble! Best wishes, Leslie, to you and your mom! I hope things improve.


    MadameQuixote..I try not to paint everyone with the same brush..Ray Franz escaped the WBT$ at an older age..He is the exception I`m afraid..There will be some like him,but not many after a certain age......"Watchtower Guarded Prison" is a good way to describe where many are..They have been there too long and are too old to ever leave...OUTLAW

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Yes, when it comes to dealing with loved ones trapped in a cult mindset, it is challenging to be in between 'hopeful they will get out' and 'resigned to their staying in.'

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Denial runs like a deep river. She obviously feels gratitude to the positive effects that Jw's made in her life. Nothing wrong with that in itself I suppose. From her world-view, it seems she is pretty reasonable about it though. While maintaining it is the 'truth' and excusing the sins of the organization, she is still allowing herself at least enough lattitude to read the book and associate to some extent with you.

    Though you don't mention your mom's age, I gather she is in her 60's? Not easy to give up your life raft at that point. So the denial kicks in.

    Good luck as time goes on. There may be ops ahead to discuss the things that bother her more than she admits at this point.


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I do think it is less likely for older ones to make big changes in life. There was always a scarcity of older ones getting baptized at conventions and assemblies. I don't think it is much different when it comes to leaving the borg. They tend to have less chances of establishing new friendships and we all know how hard that can be after leaving.

    That does not mean she will not recall some of the points in COC when more changes are made in the teachings and hurtful things are excused in the cong.

    Hey, you tried to help her. The rest is up to her. Keep in touch with her and carry on loving your family. Is this your first grandchild? Grandchildren are wonderful. Enjoy!

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