letter from my MOM(response to COC)

by purplesofa 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    not openly oppose Jah or his organization.....

    It always comes back to this with every witness. Opposing the organization is the same as opposing god. They can't see these flaws as proof that god is not using them.

  • purplesofa

    Today, I am angry for the pricetag paid for speaking out the truth.

    The abuse the is constantly allowed to happen to anyone that is subjected to authority that lords itself over anyone.

    I am angry people are suppressed and not allowed to express themselves, be the individuals they were created/evolved to be.

    I am angry for the micromanagement, the audosity, that I am a victim as well. I feel suffocated, and repressed. I feel like I am being punished for my humaness. Along with all others tangled up in vicious webs of destructions.

    I am tired and I dont want to think it, feel it, or expericance it anymore. I want to just walk away. Its the closest thing I have ever felt to "picking up your torture stake"

    Today I hate that I know any bible stories.........I hate that we grew up with fairytales to learn how to live on this planet.

    I guess I am having a bad day.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I guess I am having a bad day.

    Have your bad day, or bad weekend if you need. But please don't let it affect your
    ability to interview or think positively about new possible jobs.

    I don't say "Just get over it." But at least put it aside when you need to paste a
    smile on your face and charm an interviewer.

  • purplesofa

    Have your bad day, or bad weekend if you need. But please don't let it affect your
    ability to interview or think positively about new possible jobs.

    I don't say "Just get over it." But at least put it aside when you need to paste a
    smile on your face and charm an interviewer.

    i think i am starting to feel pretty uptight about quitting my job, making a stand, to who I dont know, about being treated wrongly at work.

    Thanks for the advice


  • Hortensia

    oh my, stress on the right, stress on the left - you are having a hard time, aren't you? I'm sorry about that - all I can say is what I tell myself - one foot in front of the other. Eventually you get through it all, I hope things even out for you soon.

  • oompa

    Purps I am so so sorry that at this moment in time your mom has responded this way. I really thought you had cracked a nut so to speak. I have read several posts, but not all. What I dont understand about the wt clip is exactly how did you say something "unseasoned?" WTF does she even think she needs or deserves an apolgy for, your being honest with her???????

    You did a great job......sorry but I am pissed too now...oompa.....hope you get a GREAT job!!

  • ex-nj-jw

    Hey purps,

    I know you are disapointed about her reaction to reading CoC. Try not take personally or get you down. I would love nothing more than for the rest of my family to get out of that cult. But reality tells me that this is their life, they can't function and have no idea how to survive without the direction of Jehovah and the WTBTS.

    You have so much more on your plate right now. Focus on the those around you that need your help and emotional support. And on get'n back into your art and landing the job you want. Let the other stuff land where it may.



  • anewme

    Im sorry honey. Always remember its the Watchtower's fault she is shunning you, not hers. She has been brainwashed into thinking her words and conduct are pleasing God.

    Pray to the creator of the universe to squash the lying Watchtower.


  • Gopher


    I just read this for the first time now. I'm sorry to hear that this seems to have gone the wrong way.

    It has nothing to do with you, this is the course she would have taken no matter how little or how much you did to convince her otherwise. She'd rather deal with "the devil she knows", i.e. her spiritual masters, then the one she maybe doesn't know, which in this case is she herself!

    You did what you could. The timing is unfortunate with the uncertainty surrounding your job, but they are two totally separate situations. Your mom's situation has sorted itself out for now, and the job will sort itself out too - likely in a better way. With the businesses, you probably are not dealing with people who will hold superstitious beliefs against you.

  • purplesofa

    thank you all for your kind words

    I will have to let my mom sort out her own life.

    I just feel like there is something wrong with me right now for not being able to accept things that most people can accept. And maybe it is really the way I should be ......like I am feeling like who am I to get tired of the BS.

    I am sure tomorrow I will feel better, I hit a brick wall today and just got so tired. Tired and me dont get along too well.


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