Outlaw, you just cant ever agree with me for some reason. Who has better racial acceptance? Nation of Islam?? Who? I think they do a a bang up job in this catagory. At leash it let me date a hot black chick when I was 18... Let me know since you have all the answers...lol...oompa
The Average JW WILL NOT Leave!!!!
by minimus 100 Replies latest jw friends
Fear plus the desire to save face. We all like to think that we're above being hoodwinked.
And hoodwinking is what the WTS does par excellence.
Right on, well trained robots.
Golf -
oompa..I don`t know anything about the Nation of Islam..I am an expert on JW life though.I`m better than very,very good.....We disagree for a reason,many things you say are just not true..And..You don`t seem to know it..Very odd for someone who claims to be a 4th generation JW.....Your very good at spewing WBT$ Dogma,but don`t know much about the reality of JW life........I`m White,my wife wasn`t..Do you still want to debate me about racial acceptance among Jehovah`s Witness`s?.....Well do you?!.....LOL!!...OUTLAW
Too True - JWs now live for
New Lies'New Light', and it doesn't matter how ridiculous it is! As other posters have mentioned, it would take a strong character to admit to being 'hoodwinked' for many years.Regarding 'Where else would we/I go?'...I've heard this sooooo many times from JWs - it must be brainwashed into all of them.
Outlaw: ........I`m White,my wife wasn`t..Do you still want to debate me about racial acceptance among Jehovah`s Witness`s?.....Well do you?!.....LOL!!...OUTLAW
I am an expert on JW life though.I`m better than very,very good.....We disagree for a reason,many things you say are just not true..And..You don`t seem to know it..Very odd for someone who claims to be a 4th generation JW
Let me get this straight. You still can't accept me for who I am, even though I have been to a local meetup with other vets from this site that knew my grandparents? I thought we had put this to bed. I am still waiting for a list of lies I have told here and have asked you to post even one. I do not claim to be an expert, so I could be wrong about something.
I have never seen more bi-racial couples in any other faith than JW's, nor have I seen more unity between races of all types. I did not know I had to be married to person of a different race to debate the race subject, sorry. Has your wife changed color since she once "wasnt white" and does this happen often in Canada? Please clarify.
you may need to get out of the woods more....oompa....amazing place canada
I agree 99% with you one this. They ARE lazy. If the WTS told them to do all the research they wanted to do, the
vast majority would not do it. They are content to be spoon fed their spiritual pablum and this is enough for them.
I think there is another thing though: Most of them wouldn't be much of ANYTHING in the real world. Their social
skills suck with people outside the org., most have very little education after high school, most don't read much
beyond the literature so their expanse of conversational topics is close to nil. It's the only place where a high school
drop-out can climb the ladder to "success" and become "somebody" (an elder) with authority.
still wondering
OUTLAW is spot on.
55 years of experience and observation long ago led me to the conclusion that "racial harmony" is a complete myth just like all the other so-called high Christian principles churned out by the WTBS. (Love for one another, honesty, spiritual paradise etc.). The idea being that if we TALK constantly ABOUT doing something we DON'T actually have to DO it. We can fool people into believing that we do it because we constantly TELL them that we do.
I knew one black guy who when he first attended a meeting was told by the then presiding overseer that "you kind of people are only tolerated in the congregation". Despite that he stuck it out and has himself been an elder now for many years.
"the only place where a high school drop-out can climb the ladder to "success" and become "somebody" (an elder) with authority".
I agree completely with your statement. Most of the elders and overseers I know do not have a degree. If a person does not have the experience of being a supervisor at work, or have any similar experience in a 'normal" life, the congregation is the only place where he will feel "useful" or "somebody", as you mentioned.
At least I studied and have a degree. That helped me to start thinking by myself some time ago. I haven't quitted because of all my family and friends are still JW's...