Everyone here is on the right tract and I would add.........they won't leave because they are told over and over, you are better than anybody else. They are very vain.
The Average JW WILL NOT Leave!!!!
by minimus 100 Replies latest jw friends
Wow. How did we get on the topic of race again? Oompa, for the record, I'm for hot chicks of every race! Woo Hoo!!! I'm married to one that IS every race! Anyway, I think that the reason so many people stay is.... well..... Let's be honest. Most of the people that blindly follow the organization are weak-minded. They wait for others to tell them what to do. And, they feel that they can trust the organization, so they listen. That's it. They don't think on their own. They don't want to! To them, it's so much easier to turn off their little brains and rely on Jehovah AKA the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.
Hello and welcome, TookTheRedPill!
Incidently, I just posted this on the quotes thread, but I think it is appropriate here:
"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."
Baba -
Dorkt: Wow. How did we get on the topic of race again? Oompa, for the record, I'm for hot chicks of every race! Woo Hoo!!!
we got on it cause I mentioned "there is more/better racial acceptance at JW than in most places" and I sure wish someone would kindly show where else it is better!
55 years of experience and observation long ago led me to the conclusion that "racial harmony" is a complete myth just like all the other so-called high Christian principles churned out by the WTBS. (Love for one another, honesty, spiritual paradise etc.). The idea being that if we TALK constantly ABOUT doing something we DON'T actually have to DO it. We can fool people into believing that we do it because we constantly TELL them that we do.
I knew one black guy who when he first attended a meeting was told by the then presiding overseer that "you kind of people are only tolerated in the congregation". Despite that he stuck it out and has himself been an elder now for many years.
We did not just talk it, we WALKED IT.....now i am STILLWONDERING how anyone could ever say something so racist in a KH.....very hard to believe....never in my life
" the only place where a high school drop-out can climb the ladder to "success" and become "somebody" (an elder) with authority".
AMEN to this....I know a really odd middle school janitor (and no there is nothing wrong with that and that does not mean he is not brilliant!), but he is an elder, and I know this pathetic carpet installer who would gladly give both testicles if he has not already to be an elder.
he will be any day now....oompa....lets all be real/fair and only beat up where appropriate!
Mentally lazy.....absolutely...
OUTLAW and oompa...please kiss and make up or at least go to your separate corners...
I've been in the 'truth' for 40 years and agree with you that there is basically racial harmony in the Organization.
I saw some racial tension in a congregation in the south but it is not, IMHO, the norm.
P.S. Dorktacular, I'm incidentally also for hot chicks of ever race!
bee I have tried but this crazy canadian has it in for me and i dont know why....what a hoser...oompaOUTLAW and oompa...please kiss and make up or at least go to your separate corners...
I've been in the 'truth' for 40 years and agree with you that there is basically racial harmony in the Organization.
I saw some racial tension in a congregation in the south but it is not, IMHO, the norm.
P.S. Dorktacular, I'm incidentally also for hot chicks of ever race!
You lying SOB!!!! Just ask OUTLAW--There is no way in HADES you are 5thGEN! And me only a lowly fourth. And I agree with you and dork...they are all good...oompa
Hazzard quit posting pics of OUTLAWS basement "friends"....oompa