The article still really cracks me up!
The Most Insane Thing Ever Printed by the Watchtower?
by Leolaia 101 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Dear holy gods. I am seriously stunned.
Basically, they say that Harriet Beecher Stowe was DEMONIZED because she was against slavery.
I mean...
Just wow. Leolaia, thank you for this post AND for the bump or I would never have experienced it. -
John Doe
What is it about an intelligent, outspoken woman that sets them all a-tremble?
It's kind of like a shoe that thinks it's a pair of underwear. It just don't fit right.
Hey, it makes sense if you don't think about it.
"We read that she was impulsive in her literary efforts, caring little for facts, and never taking time to even cursorily investigate her chosen subject. She was rash and bent upon making her point at all hazards, usually writing from the standpoint of a preconceived opinion. ..
AWARDED - One "Pot calls the Kettle Black" award
Bump for the young'uns!
Hey Leo...
Any chance of making that PDF available for download again?
Somehow I missed this thread the first time 'round...
There were slaves all during Bible times... Christian slaves were told to be obedient to their masters...
If it's good enough for first century Christians then it's good enough for 19th century minded WT folks...
Sure, but I'll have to find the file again and upload it. I'll look around for it.
badboy.....Yes and no. On the one hand, the author believes that Satan instituted slavery in America by populating it first with Spanish and other "backward races". The Spanish of course were the ones who first started slavery in the New World and surely the author is thinking of Africans in referring to those other "backward races". Apparently Satan knew that Jehovah planned to use America as his workshop in the "time of the end", so he plotted to disrupt it by sowing the seeds of dissention centuries before the nation even existed. But as much as that was an evil, it was just as much an evil to get rid of slavery once it was in place. The author believes that the abolitionist movement and all the political events that led up to the Civil War were orchestrated by Satan in order to disrupt the Union. The author believed that slavery should never have been abolished if it threatened the Union and especially if it would produce war. Remember, Satan likes war; Jehovah hates it. So yes, if war could not have been avoided, then slavery should have continued to exist. Plus the author implied that slavery was nowhere as bad as Stowe depicted it in her novel.
Perhaps the author was a Southerner?
Jehovah is called "the God of Armies"....He doesn't like war??