Time for this gem to rise again to the surface.
The Most Insane Thing Ever Printed by the Watchtower?
by Leolaia 101 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good! It's a superb thread!
"The false impression of the condition of the Southern slave created by 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' encouraged Brown to believe that . . . the negroes would rise and massacre their masters; and he laid a plan to arouse them to take this step. . . . The negroes, however did not join the conspirators, as had been expected.'
Seems like Palin and others are trying to use similar tactics to cause uprising in today's world. Plans like this have been laid at this very time as well. Many right wingers appear to be purposely inciting an uprising.
Thanks for the reminder
Thanks for posting this Leo. Interestingly in all of that I find 12 instances where they mentioned "Satan" by name and only 1 when they mentioned god they say they worship "Jehovah".
I think that phenomenon is evident even today among modern witnesses who obsess over what "Satan" did, or does, or might do, way more, I'd say many times over more, than fearing central deity of their theology. Even when having a casual conversation with modern dubs just watch how many times they mention "Satan" in their conversation, it not only borders with an obsession it IS an obsession. The whole theology is structured around what "the force of evil" might do. And that is before we even go into the insanity of the arguments themselves. -
Thanks for bringing this back to the top - absolute pure insanity.
Jehovah's light does indeed get brighter, the longer I stay on this board the more he illuminates the hypocrisy of the JW-cult.
Thank you it was worth discovering. I think if the org made us go back and study these old articles then there would be a race for the back door at the end of the meeting. The society seems to spring from a poison seed no sign of religious enlightenment there.
That was a long to glimpse...thanks, it sharpen me.....