Is the video available anywhere? I understand how deep seated anger can get. For some time whenever I would get very upset, somehow I would revert back to the "I hate the WTB&TS" rant. It takes time and maybe some professional help which I sought out in order to move on. On the other hand I was one of those smug JW's who would gladly go to a DNC. I've twice had guns pulled on me. I thought it a privilege afterwards when I would relay the story. In fact, if I was the one getting peppered sprayed I would have probably bragged about it afterwards. Nowadays would I be the one aiming the pepper spray? Nope. But once that person comes to my door, especially with multiple DNC notifications in writing and a no trespassing sign, they are fair game for a verbal attack and a phone call to the police. I would video tape it as well because it would likely get empathy from the majority of mankind known as non-JW's.
In (partial ) support of Danny Hazard
by stillajwexelder 138 Replies latest jw friends
Wha happened,
The issue here is that:
1) two senior citizens were assaulted,
2) the assailant recorded the assault
and then
3) publicised the assault to the whole world (including non JWS) on the internet.
This would not be spoken about but for the THREE ACTIONS TAKEN BY DANNY.
It is a no brainer - I unconditionally condemn the actions taken by Danny against these senior citizens. I refuse to engage in equivocation or justification for his behaviour.
wha happened?
If anyone has confused my answer as justification let me make it clear as I stated before, I would not have pulled the trigger on the pepper spray. Senior citizens or not my response would be verbal followed by the authoraties and then on to the court system. JW's have lost in court when they have ignored signs and the society has NOT backed them up.
Homerovah the Almighty
It's the responsibility of the property owner to discern if the person coming on to
their property is a personal threat to himself or family or if there is an attack to their
property such as vandalism or thievery. Since this wasn't the case, the assault was unlawfully perpetrated
and Dan could be charge with assault and personal damage. You can't take the law into your own hands
whenever you feel like it or personally think it's justified. There are certain guidelines regarding
no trespassing laws for personal property owners. And there are plenty of other situations where individuals may
indeed come on to a persons property such as a news paper boy, a delivery person, a door to door salesperson,
an electrical meter reader, even a child wandering unknowingly on to a property and there are others.
It's called an a assault without due cause and is punishable by law.
Dan should consider himself lucky if he doesn't get charged.
Which brings up the question what were those JWS. doing on his property in the first place
did they not notice that his address in that neighborhood was on a DNC list and they came on to his property
by accident, there allot of unanswered questions and explanations going on here and Dan doesn't seem to want to respond
so will have to leave it to some speculation unless some other information comes forward.
Wha happened.
The title of the thread that YOU posted is a fair indication of your feelings when you started this thread. If you cannot condemn the assault of two senior citizens, you can condone anything.
In (Partial) Support of Danny Hazard ? Why dont you join him if you want in the next phase of his career? I am sure that are still vacancies for muggers of old people.
Get off the fence and make a decision that you will be proud of.
Leave Danny where ever you find him.
I dont expect an apology from him regarding his behaviour.
It's pretty simple. Some HERE think that Danny's obsessive behavior regarding the injustices he has suffered because of the Witnesses justifies his actions. Others believe he's gone overboard. I think ENCOURAGING Danny's behavior all along is counter-productive for him and even for us, in the long run. I don't applaud anyone who's actions suggest that they seriously need major therapy. It's not good at all for a person to act like Danny does all the time. It eally isn't!
I like Danny and I feel sad for him but I wish people would stop applauding exjw's behavior that simply is not normal.
If all of us spent that much energy into spreading the truth about the truth, the WT may be gone by now. But Danny is using his energy in the wrong way.
He is creating a mascot for the stereo-type we are all trying to escape. I do not want to be known as a mean and evil apostate. I want people to know that there is life BETTER outside of the Watchtower. I want my life to stand as an example of a genuinely happy person. Danny is not sending out the message that life is really good outside of the cult. The message he is sending is "all people who leave the Watchtower become crazy like me."
I am shocked by this. I sincerely hope that Danny seeks professional help. I can understand his anger toward the JWs but I believe that he has crossed the line in this instance. He has accomplished nothing here but make ex-JWs look bad. We should be helping these people to escape this cult and offer them loving support not attacking them!!!
I am the step-mother of a 16 year old pioneer. I don't even want to imagine what my husband would do if someone pepper-sprayed her.
My family doesn't speak to me and have caused me a lot of hurt, anger and pain. They have lied about me and accused me of all sorts of crazy things. Despite that, I would NEVER dream of physically attacking them or any other JW. If they come to your door ask them to leave or don't answer. It's that simple. There is no need to bring out mace or any sort of weapon.
Danny, I hope and pray that you get the help that you need. You are obviously in great emotional pain and need healing. Please take care of yourself. -
If a group of XJWs has been so quick to condemn Danny's actions, imagine what a jury would think.
I'd like to think that a group of people responded to the facts presented and condemned the wrongful actions of a person who committed an atrocity, no matter the religion, race or creed of the attacker or the attacked.
Likewise, I see a jury responding similarly.
I've lurked for years and I now post sometimes. I've been following Danny Haszard online for years, since he is one of the highest-profile X-Jw's he is kind of hard to avoid :-).
That said, I have never been able to escape the impression that he is a very bitter man consumed with anger and hate. I hope I am wrong but the whole pepper spray affair only confirms this to me.
To Danny I can only say this:
Let it go! Let them go Danny. You still have a lot of life left to live. The Tower will unravel without you, lies always do. Go be happy Danny. You profess to be a Christian, pray to God so he can heal your heart.