(This was typed up on the other thread before they capped it).
Sunspot said:..."A few weeks ago you were warmly inviting me and hubby to your HOME in Hawaii---and today you throw zingers at me for offering my opinion on this subject. The IDEA that this entire situation stems from is that the JWs do not feel they have to abide by anyone's wishes BUT the WTS, no matter how many times and how many WAYS it is presented to them! IF they had NOT been on the property in the first place---we would not be having this conversation!! "
***** You are still welcomed to my home in Hawaii. Just one rule; NO COMPUTER TIME FOR YOU! You need to just get away from it all for a while IMO. Enjoy the nice weather, palm trees, tradewinds, sunsets, pretty gals for your hubby, lots o food etc etc... but NO DEBATES allowed. : )
There were many ways that Danny could have handled that whole thing. I saw the video. There was no reason to attack those two old men as he did. But this is what can happen when one loses objectivity and allows disdain and any kind of negative crusade to take over... it can lead to things regrettable. And it has.
Sunspot said:..."It is NICE that YOU have gotten your son back and out of the WTS and things in YOUR life are peachy, but some of us are not that lucky to have everything work out so well. So NOW you can sit back and criticize OTHERS for doing exactly the same thing that YOU were doing a few short months ago. Congratulations on your sudden transformation....your wings and halo are in the mail."
***** Actually I was hoping more for a Crown and Throne.... : )
For the record, I am still shunned by 1000 JW's on this small island in the middle of the Pacific. My stepson will not speak to me nor his own mother (who did is not DF'd or DA'd). Every single day I have to make sure that humpty dumpty wifey is put back together. She is HEART BROKEN from losing her son. They also have our first grandson (almost two years old now) that we have no idea what he even looks like. I also lost my biz partner and several employees. I am viewed as an unrepentant apostate and very dangerous person though have done nothiing wrong aside from disagreeing with current WTS teachings.
So, you might want to think a little bit next time before you tell me how great things are going for me...
Yet, most JW's are simply the same victims that you and I were not too long ago.
Deep down Annie, I believe you know there is truth to what I am trying to help share with you here.
So get hubby to come on down for a mini form of rehab with no computers and lot's of clean fresh air.
can you guys do the hula?