I'm with you 100 % Stilla. and I think most people are, you are not alone in any shape and form.........take care and thanks for starting the thread
In (partial ) support of Danny Hazard
by stillajwexelder 138 Replies latest jw friends
Explaination noted. You need to lose the Curates egg defence (It was good in parts my Lord). It will not wash with me.
It was the title of the thread that I had difficulty with and the use of the words 'Partial and Support'. I have no time for assailants and offer them no support, partial or otherwise whatsoever. I am unambigious in my condemnation of his actions in this circumstance.
I am not mealy mouthed, a fence sitter, a navel gazer, a hypocrite or an apologist for bad or illegal behaviour.
I do have time for victims (who ever and where ever they may be). I offer them unconditional and complete support when ever and where ever I can.
Danny was not (in my opinion) a victim in this particular circumstance. He has expressed no remorse for what he did, he believes that he was right when he assaulted two senior citizens.
In the absence of a whole hearted apology for his actions I have formed the opinion that he is a bully. It would appear that his apprenticeship with JWs was not wasted on him. He is a worthy advertisement for self centred bigotry and thuggery as demonstrated by his actions in recording an assault on two old men and then publicising it on the net. His subsequent posts bragging and attempting to justify his actions demonstrate that he is totally deluded and full of self importance.
He needs to get his medication adjusted as a matter of urgency !
Just checking...
Who does he owe an apology to?
Just checking......... Who does he owe an apology to ?
He could start with one of his many 'personalities'
Homerovah the Almighty
The way I see it is if he doesn't show any remorse in a apologetic way to this forum and others, he's going to loose support from everyone here and elsewhere
The overwhelming majority think that what he did was stupid and uncalled for.
Dan if your reading this thread please give this a consideration and some thought, you might just be loosing a lot of friends if you don't
take care
He has expressed no remorse for what he did,
I agree, he should apologize
Just checking...Who does he owe an apology to? The Senior Citizens he assaulted
I can buy that he owes the two guys he sprayed an apology if they weren't there to intentionally harrass him.
It just seems that a lot of people on this board feel that he personally owes them one.
wha happened?
it appears that Siamsa feels that because myself and others who have posted on this topic, are also in partial support for Danny. There is pro and con arguments here regardless of the title. My post does not reflect that opinion. In fact, it appears that since I do not agree with Siamsa I'm now supporting Danny. 1st of all I still have not seen the video but from all the comments here but I can safely assume he sprayed a couple of senior citizens on his doorstep. Again for the third time I said I would have NOT done the same. There are other alternative responses for 2 old guys knocking on my door. I do agree though that the probable media and court response would likely have been in Danny's favor had he thought out his response to JW's knocking on his door. I do find it incredible that anyone would think that these two brothers did not know who's door they were knocking on. They went there despite all the warnings. The response they received is not what I would have done. And now we have hundreds of negative comments on various boards and it puts a feather in the hat of every JW who feel righteous in calling all ex-JW's violent and satanic in their behavior. Danny get an attorney. If the laws in Maine are as strict as they are in California regarding senior citizens, you may face some hard time eating three meals a day and receiving all the sex u can handle.
Homerovah the Almighty
Like your comment wha happened