I have found something truly horrific.

by cultswatter 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purplesofa

    I was just having fun!



    ..Purps..That`s funny!..Dude has a special bag for his stolen jewelery..The bag is empty..All the jewelery sticks to the outside of the bag,so no one notices..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • purplesofa
    The bag is empty..All the jewelery sticks to the outside of the bag,so no one notices..LOL!!...OUTLAW


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    The store window, that is broken is really a sporting goods/jewelry store. What the robber/JW really wanted, was the football, that is in the bag. The jewelry, was an after thought, for his mom.

  • purplesofa

    hey horrible life,

    i think i need to take a better look at this pic.........i was checking out the hot cop and missed the best parts!!!

  • purplesofa

    by george I got it.........

    The hot cop is giving like a Star Trek hand shake signal to the robber. No gun needed..........Just hold up your hand and give the code signal and the robber will look back, lose the jewels and fall to the ground, give himself up, that easy!!! Case solved............God 1~Devil 0

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Oh, not quite ms. Purps. You think you know it all. But.......It was really, the JW, in the jewelry store, with the joystick.

    How is that!!! for reading "CLUES"

  • TheListener

    I am not a believer in subliminal WT picture.

    That being said, the link given to the six screens of the WT had some pretty interesting pictures that weren't subliminal but fairly blatant. Now I want to review my own copies of those pictures to see if six screens amplified anything to make it more obvious.

    Horrific? perhaps. Intriguing? certainly.

  • monophonic

    unfortunately, the rank and file j-dub will say, there were apostates in bethel and i'm sure they've been removed and that jehovah has taken care of it.

    i remember those exact words when i was "in".

  • Gill

    Why is the policeman chasing the robber when he could: a) just run him down with his, b) take out his gun and shoot a warning shot.....or shoot him?

    But why the bizarre style of jewellry?

    Having been a dumb dub for nearly forty years is bad enough, but to have those poo heads at bethel take the piss out of us as well is particularly......how can I say..... irritating!

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