Do I feel someone pulling my poor old weenie?
I have found something truly horrific.
by cultswatter 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I dunno the whole picture creeps me out
MUCH of the WTS artwork made me feel the same way.....when I was a JW and had never heard of "subliminals" as far as WT art was concerned! Some was just plain hokey, weird and awkward, such as stances of the subjects and limb placements, that sort of thing, etc.
There is far too much that has been brought to light for it to ALL be "honest mistakes" that the GB has allowed to go through their proofreading then be sent out to countless JWs to read and to "place" in Field Service.
One thing that the Trevolinda thing has done for me is teach me to less tolerant of drawnout excuses like this.
Cultswatter is just trying to lead people on. This sort of crap is another cheap ploy to get attention. The thread was started - what? - four days ago. He was in a big-ass rush to get a picture posted on this thread. Then no time to even clue anyone to what the big deal is.
I will quickly skip over all future threads from this poster.
MUCH of the WTS artwork made me feel the same way
Me, too...creepy. Now I find myself checking out the clouds and garment folds in their artwork. But, JCanon's picture of the Black Face in the Hand was too weird, imo. I'm not prone to conspiracy theories, but you never really know what's really behind things and that pic was not accidental. -
Not sure if this worked out or not... but here is another scan of the page - descreened as per instructions.
So cultswater now needs 12h (someday) to modify the image in Photoshop so that we can 'see' how horrible something-something is. What's that? The cop is wearing polyester?
lmao at the *Trevolinda*
I stared and stared till my eyes were dry. then it popped out at me. Check out the thief's shirt. Almost the entire middle part forms what looks to me like a bat's head. Long pointy ears, beady eyes and a slight frowning mouth.
OMG the Watchtower has just outted BATMAN!!!
If you stare at any random pattern long enough your mind will still finding shapes. It's called imagination. We did it all the time when we were kids making shapes out of random clouds.
knock knock
The theif looks a lot like Jerry Seinfeld. He did steal that lady's bread one time so I'm not surprised.
As to the they have people pose for these illustrations? If so, then they would have props around that get reused also. It's just one possibility that might explain SOME of the recurring images. -
As to the they have people pose for these illustrations?
If so, then they would have props around that get reused also.