I have found something truly horrific.

by cultswatter 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Iron Rod
    Iron Rod

    The Volare police car? Hey, lots of departments ( and taxi cab drivers ) used them.

    The thief looks a little like Troy Aikman, but with darker hair.

    Are you saying that over twenty years ago, the Society predicted that Aikmans play by play career would go south, leaving him no option but a life of crime? That is horrible! ( horrific, too! )

  • fresia

    It says the time came, however, when one of these spirit sons of God made himself the Devil...

    does not say God made himself the devil.

  • hubert



  • fresia

    Yes you are right, the seeing eye in the pyramid, thanks.

  • Gill

    Yes! I think that it is at the very least bizarre that they should have a masonic symbol in the jewellry.

    Could be an accident, and quite possibly is.

    However, the thought that this stupid cult has been taking the piss for all these years is just pathetic and enough to make you spit!

    The very realisation that it is even possible that those 'at the top' are NOT 'Sincere' men of some kind of faith, but a bunch of piss takers is annoying to say the least!

    But having said that, anyone stupid enough to believe that they are special enough to live forever....deserves to have the piss taken out of them! (self included...in the past, of course)!

  • TheListener

    Maybe he robbed a fortune teller? I couldn't tell from the broken window in the picture if he robbed a jewelry store or something else.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The panchette thats on the end of the necklace is to signify that that the robber who stole the merchandise is also devil inspired

    it's a play with imagery. It kind of brings to light the emotional maturity of the people in Brooklyn and their deep intellect.

    A planchette is used on a Ouija boards, therefore the connection with evil spirits.

    Most JWS don't know their connection with the Freemasons or their symbolisms for that matter.

  • Kudra

    There actually IS a big conspiracy thing about this picture...

    Something to do with the "infinity symbol" that the chain makes and the other stuff on the triangle.

    Who comes UP with this stuff??

  • cultswatter


    This is the kind of CRAP that makes people say "oh all you apostates are crazy..."

    STOP! Your HURTING our cause with this foolishness! Jesus...

    HUH? The WTS writing/art department could give a diddly sqawk about the GB and I will prove that the writing department has put thru another jest.

  • nvrgnbk

    I have found something truly horrific.

    Isn't that what Clarence Thomas said to Anita Hill?

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