I don't think it would be that easy. This is the BIG teaching that determines who lives on after death in heaven and who gets resurrected on earth. I think there would be mass confusion if suddenly the gates of heaven were opened up - so to speak - for any ol' publisher.
What would they tell "interested ones" at the door? "Oh, what happens after you die is sort of up to you. If you like ruling over stuff and harps and white robes then you can go to heaven and be immortal, if you like tiger cubs playing with little kids, impeccably groomed lawns and conservative casual wear with sensible shoes then eternal life on paradise is for you!"
New Generation Understanding
by momzcrazy 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The GB don't care about being right or wrong or the reactions of the publishers. All they care about are their positions and lifestyle. They don't beleive the crap they spew anymore than we do. They can print the sky is pink with yellow polka dots and the dubs would be awed by their insight.
It's funny, when the 1995 "light" was turned on, I didn't even really think about it. Being raised a witness I was never allowed to question anything, and I think that steeped into understanding their doctrine. I have become amazed at thinking how so many people follow blindly. I did this with the huge change on blood transfusions. I did a blanket refusal on all products bcause it was easier(safer). In 2001 I nearly died a ruptured ectopic pregnancy until a sister talked me into the EPO shot. This year doing research I discovered you can have all the ingredients but no the "cake". And I nearly died for this.
All these changes they make are now just added confirmation I did the right thing getting me and my kids out.
I'm sorry to hear about everything you went through, momzcrazy. I'm glad you eventually came to realize that the truth the Watchtower offers is just an illusion.
What we know of the new light on the generation teaching so far is based solely on different accounts of what transpired at the annual meeting, but can anyone figure out how this new teaching is supposed to indicate that Armageddon is even closer than we thought before?
It's clear to any reasonable person that this is just a huge CYA move by the society to account for yet another failed prophecy interpretation. They are simply explaining their way around the whole generation mess and rearranging it to where it can never be proven wrong again. Armageddon can now be hundreds or thousands of years away. The generation that will never pass away is now the anointed and the calling for the anointed no longer stopped in 1935, but is now open again with no foreseeable end in sight. I certainly hope that this shakes up enough fence-sitting JWs and helps them make the decision to leave this wacky religion once and for all. Look for the society to prepare for this by claiming that a great "sifting" or "cleansing" of Jehovah's organization has to occur before the end. SSDD.
We discussed the 1995 "new light" on a previous thread, and what we thought of it. I was sitting at the KHall amazed that no one seemed to take note of this since it had been drummed into us that the "generation that was alive and at an age of understanding" in 1914 would not pass off the scene for so many years. It was bewildering and disillutioning at the same time.
Now, there are more new changes, I see. I still don't understand how they arrive at the "present truth."
yes some on GB now in 50s - so if they live as long as Franz or Barber etc - the possible date for Armageddon has been moved forward 40 years - past my life time. Screw the "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" bulls+++ from Rutherford in the 1920s
On the way out,
That is just way too funny!!!!!
I enjoy your talent.
A heartwarm welcome to you Momzcrazy, from Mr. & Mrs. Flipper . Wow ! The " new " light never stops does it? I guess the last days of the system now will go on, and on, and on . Dear god in heaven, every year the number of annointed goes up or barely down , because as even the watchtower has stated, " their are some who have psychological problems " or issues that make them want to go to heaven and be with the lord Jesus. LOL! If the governing body keeps getting in trouble with scandalous lawsuits, who knows, all 6 million of em' may want to escape to heaven before this things done ! Once again, welcome to you, we look forward to your posts! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I just heard about this news last night, so I appreciate everyone rehashing an old subject.
Couldn't we just go on all night about the ridiculousness of it all?
I have to say, I'm glad to be here, where things can be honestly discussed.