Not "new light" it is an old teaching that been around since at least the 1930. But it was rejected and I am certain people we called apostates for holding this view. Around and around we go were we land...
New Generation Understanding
by momzcrazy 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
On the way out,
That is just way too funny!!!!!
I enjoy your talent.
I can't even post words onto the blank WT covers. The only talent I have is
for doing Google searches. Someone else somewhere else created that gem.
I just "found" it and posted it. -
Must obey!
All the Society can do is keep fiddling around with the meaning of 'this generation' after 12 years of practically zilcho 'new light'. How utterly pathetic, given all the scandal over child abuse, disfellowshipping, blood transfusions,etc. Is this all JW's get, considering all the other more important false interpretations the Society uphold and that numerous websites and books ruthlessly expose. It's a sad joke for all those millions of long-suffering JW's still enthralled to the little old man behind the curtain.
JW's need to wake up and sniff the internet.
MomzCrazy, I just wanted to WELCOME you to the board... and to your LIFE!!! I just read on another thread that you have only been out for a month... that's incredible. What was the definitive finding? What was the straw that broke the spine?
Welcome and hear it from me... it just gets better and better and easier and easier.
Baba. -
Welcome to the forum,momzcrazy.The garbage from the gb/fbs drives me crazy.For example the Jan 15/2000 wt "Keep on the watch." Six convincing lines of evidence that the end is near.The 6th line of evidence that the end is near.The number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling,though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins.Most of the remnant are quite elderly and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller.
Well that was 7 years ago so quite a few have since gone to heaven-not.
Sept 1/2004 wt QFR The gb/fds answers that the 144,000 is a definite literally number
PS We are really really really really close to the end.What fools the gb/fds.
This is the explanation that Ray Franz said the WTS would come up with in the 80s in CoC. Somebody have the English edition?
Nice try, to get buy more time...
Room 215
It's not a new teaching at all: the 1950s book ``You May Survive Armageddon Into Go's New World" purported to show many Biblical ``prophetic foretypes" or ``patterns" that demonstrate how the Great Crowd and the remnant of Spritual Israel will both be around when the Big A hits.
Their other ``new light" about the closing of the door to the heavenly calling not necessarily having taken place in 1935, incidentally goes hand-in-glove with this new ``This Generation" rationalization, in that it allows God to pull from a lot younger demographic when choosing replacements for any defections from the old ``anointed remnant" class, thereby extending the collective life on earth of this group exponentially, i.e. virtually indefinitely.
Really neat, eh? So now, rather than wake up to the bankruptcy of their 1914 chronology and all the other dates built upon it, they can shut off the alarm clock, roll over and remain wrapped in their cozy delusion indefinitely.
Lady Liberty
Dear Momzcrazy,
WELCOME to the forum!!! Yes we have heard the same ting..the Generation teaching is going to change AGAIN!!! Seems the "Holy Spirit" has misdirected them again!! Ha Ha Ha what a joke! If Holy Spirit was really directing them they would not have gotten it wrong in the first place! By making the grandious claim they are spirit directed, they in turn are blaming God's spirit when they do flip flopping. To any true truthlover, it should not only be insulting, but infuriorating (spelling??)!
Lady Liberty