Hey Momzcrazy I'm new too. Did you fade or just left. I'm glad you didnt die from your medical scare. I'm also glad your letting your children celebrate the holidays. My mom Df and she barely uses her freedom she still asks like a witness from time to time except from the few swear words. I cant believe they change the meaning of generation again. My god you know lies always catch up with people because of time.
New Generation Understanding
by momzcrazy 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi momcrazy,
Welcome to the forum, glad you escaped the borg, and welcome to the real world.
You are sooooooooooo right! Just like all religious "leaders", the gb never believed the stuff they put out. Its garbage and they know it. As you pointed out, their bottom line is their lazy, easy lifestyle whch they perpetuate through their bogus publishing company.
The next "new light" point will be that 144,000 is not a literal number.
Room, but that was "old light" about the annointed in the 50s. Or was it??
Well, I was sure surprised to see this! momz sings Memories, badly
Thanks for all the welcomes. I really do love it here and I am glad I found you all, well most of you. OBVES is still a little nuts to me.
I'm sure most of you know my story, I'm a big mouth. But I pretty much just left last month. I guess I'd been fading for a while without realizing it. My husband left the borg 8 yrs ago. We have 3 kids. My sister left too and is lesbian. My dad is dead going on 13 yrs. My brother never got baptized and lives in NYC. Our mom is still strong JW but we're all praying!
Thanks again for how you have welcomed me into your world, especially since I've learned about trolls.
Love to all of you!!!
The "new light" (sigh) is that the WTS will now say this "generation" is the "anointed remnant" class that would still be around whenever Armageddon came.
Please everyone keep in mind that there still is no new teaching yet as nothing has been published. The point gopher makes is not new at all as far as teaching that the anointed would still be here when Armageddon comes....It has been in the REV CLIMAX book for years and in many wt's. I have posted on other threads that as far as "when Armageddon comes" in relation to 1914 no change will effect the 1995 explanation of what a generation is unless they do a 180 on it....there is no link to 1914 as far as anointed or other sheep as to them being alive then and now......oompa....any thoughts?
Last year Claire and I went to E-man's BBQ in Weston-super-Mare (SW England). There, amongst all our wonderful fellow apostates, we met a lovely couple who had been JWs for 50 years between them. The wife had served as a regular pioneer for around 25 years and her husband had been the P.O. and also served as a regular pioneer. They'd lived through the twists and turns and flip-flops of JW dogma. Finally, the wife said to her husband: "If they ever change the Generation teaching I'm leaving!"
Well, we all know what happened in 1995 and the pair exited, leaving decades of family/friendships behind.
I truly felt for that pair because of the many years they'd spent listening to and then peddling the lie. Many of their age just wouldn't have the courage or the energy to try something new, which made them even more special in my eyes.
So, Watchtower can flip-flop all it likes - but one day a flip will be a flop too much and the membership will finally wake up.
So, Watchtower can flip-flop all it likes - but one day a flip will be a flop too much and the membership will finally wake up.
It would be nice if that were true, and I am sure it is in a few cases.
I myself in the 70's said that if they ever altered the teaching on 1914 that I would leave. By the change in 95 on the 'generation' they did just that. It still took the UN deal for me to leave, but I do remember the day that I got that 95 WT and read the generation change. I was so mad I couldn't see straight. I was cussing and carrying on, boy was I pissed.
The hold they had on us and still have on others seems in most cases to supercede logic. Most witnesses are so dissonant that they have successfully separated their lives and views from the company line, and just the other day one of them told me, "If I don't agree with a teaching, I just reject it. No one is going to tell me what to believe". Yet that person is still fully ensconced in the jw ideology, thinking she is a free spirit.
I have a son that is at least an MS, (he won't talk to us anymore) and he damn well knows all of these bullshit changes and yet, chooses them over us.
The jw mindset is hard to penetrate.
May God bless all who leave.
Hi Brant,
What you say is true, of course, but I was mightily encouraged by the fact that the couple I alluded to were elderly. Most eldery JWs, even if the truth about Watchtower hit them straight between the eyes, would still not leave because they are now "comfortable" and dislike change. The man may have a high position in the org, or children and even grandchildren the couple are fearful of losing. In old age this is probably harder to accept (you and I know it's never easy).
However, we only have to see the amount of newbies on JWD and their being educated as to Watchtower's flip-flops of the past. The internet, as I have said many times, is Watchtower's greatest enemy. The younger generation today are very computer literate and many thrive after an education. When older ones join them in their exit we have an organisation holding on by its finger nails.
Oh, sure, some die-hards will always support the org, likely because of position and/or fear of losing prestige/family/friends, etc. The flip-flopping is harder to hide these days and the internet exposes JW history, something I knew nothing about when I got baptised. I'd heard about 1975 prior to getting baptised but was always told it was a lie spread by apostates and that Watchtower had never actually said it was Armageddon year! I now know the truth
Oh, sure, some die-hards will always support the org,
Sadly, you are right...I had this conversation with family this week. I tried to find something that hypothetically could make them leave..No way. Doctrine and understanding is met with "They know better than us, I would rather follow them than scholars of this world" ..Issues of conduct like the U N issue or any hypothetical misdeed ? "That is just men, Jehovah would clean his house if necessary and we carry on again"
I give up..They think I am deluded !
I know this is 2 or 3 years late, but... I've studied off and on with the JWs for about 31 years now and in 1995 it troubled me, but with the new understanding relating to just the anointed, it does appear that its becoming as shell game to get it right. I guess my question is, what religion did you all end up going to?