JW hubby wants help with his door-to-door presentation

by jgnat 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    This is his request, not mine! I've warned him that JWD will give a wide range of responses from the silly, through the angry, to the serious. He still would like to hear what you have to suggest. He is very anxious, has only gone out to service once so far. Some of the elders are pretty tough on the new publishers. He will not be allowed to hang back forever! So hubby needs help. They are presenting the October 15 Watchtower. "Should you Live Only for Today"?

    Any suggestions for his opening?

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    "Be afraid, be very afraid"

  • mrsjones5

    Wow, he's asking for the board's advice

    I got nothing but I'm eager to see what others will say.

  • carla

    The Oct 15 issue? Isn't that the sex one? oooh, have fun with that!

    Maybe you should all just teach him the shuffle, how to ring the screw rather than the actual doorbell and talk utter nonsense so the door does not understand a damn thing he says, oh never mind on that last one the wt has already done that. But then, he's jgnat to help him decipher, hmmm, jgnat you must stop doing such a good job!

  • blondie

    According to the WTS, the book study overseer is reponsible for training those in his group.

  • jgnat

    I say, there's a REASON we are attracted to each other. He thought it would be fun to encourage a brother to come over and ask why I support my husband by driving him to the hall, but don't attend myself? Is it the truth or not? That led to a very lively discussion where I told the dear brother he was talking in circles. Hubby stood back, laughing, enjoying the show.

    The poor brother asked later, "Are you sure she wasn't mad? You told me she wouldn't mind me taking to her!"

  • jgnat

    Thanks, blondie. I relayed the message. His answer, "Yeah, I know, I've been lazy. I got to go talk to him."

    The book study conductor is a very nice man. He's a salesman by trade and if he could encourage someone like me to attend on personality alone, I'd be tempted. His wife always looks sad, though. They seem a little lonely as a couple, and devote a great deal of time to their little dog. I know of one adult daughter, who attends another congregation. I wonder sometimes if they have another child they don't talk about.

  • blondie

    A good conductor will help him and invite him to work with him from door to door for some of the time he is out with the group. Keep it simple and generic. I wonder if he will be couched to as for money for the worldwide work (most jws leave this out).

  • skeeter1

    Should you live for just today? For the next 5 years? For the next 10 years? 20?

    SHould you live for 1975? Should you live for the generation of 1914? Should you live your life for man's organization? Should you live your life to please another man?

    Should you enjoy today? Should you build relationships with those around you, today?



    Why doesn't he just preach the REAL truth to the people? He may end up with a whole lot more friends that way!


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