Some one has to say it, and who better then Bill Cosby. Yet many in the African American community are angry he has said these things, even though statics do not lie.
The entire premise that you base this thread on is incredible!
No, I am not an angry black guy, but really, are blacks the only ones that this occurs with? Is this just your personal experience with THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of black people?
I was raised in South Los Angeles, a poor neighborhood. My father purchased in 1965 when there was no crime. He said instead of moving, you become active in your community to change it. He was a business owner and my mother was a RN. We lived VERY well. The perception is; Black, South LA, poor, poverty. That was not the case at all. I have heard many say that everyone in South LA is poor, otherwise they would move out (another weak-shallow premise). My father bragged about being the only Black Republican in the neighborhood.
After marriage, in an effort to give back, I keep foster children in the Antelope Valley (in California). We were given 2 white children. The mother was our age, early 20's at the time with 8 children. Her child (girl) was allegedly molested by her crystal-meth using/selling boyfriend. At our group meetings, many care-givers had similar experiences. I did NOT form the opinion that MOST young white girls were a low-life like this pathetic mother I dealt with. Again, MOST care-givers had the same experience, but no stereo-type was formed.
The media controls the mind of many simple people (no offense to anyone), they believe what they are told. (There are WMD in dem dere hills)
Remember, all black people think OJ is innocent? Everyone that I know and associate with thought he was an murderer. I was interviewed serveral times during the trial by the news media (Crenshaw Mall in black LA). They NEVER played anyone that said he was guilty. I personally witnessed this SEVERAL times. They only played people on TV that said he is innocent. 40 million black people in America do NOT think alike. Some even pay their phone bills.
Lastly, I agree with Cosby 100%. He is totally on point in my opinion. I volunteer in the inner-city schools as a mentor now. My company has established scholarships at several HSs. I live in a great 700k house and encourage my wife as a JW (makes the children great speakers).. I apologize if I am offensive to you, that is not my objective. As a black man with a great career, I am not angy at all (as some may assume), but saddend by the stereotyping from the actions of a few.