Bill Cosby, seems to be right.

by free2beme 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    By large, the black cominity in America has a severe attitude problem.

    Again, what is this based on. Was you success in life limited because of a black man. I actually have heard this a lot. Mainly from tenents. You make attempt to make a point with no substance.

    Am I missing something here or did you move on like the silver surfer?

  • free2beme
    Save My Soul

    Fact, African American population in prison is outnumbering all others. This shows something is wrong and not that whitie is out to take down the black man, either. Something is wrong and Cosby is pointing it out and offering some advice to stop this. Most young black men I know, look up to leaders in the black community (Rappers, professional athetes) terrible examples to look at.

    As for Obama

    I actually liked this guy and yet I doubt he will be elected. It will have very little to do with being black, it will have to do with the Clinton.

  • Gerard

    What, now you want specific names of black vandals, assholes and criminals? Bill Cosby makes reference to the trend, and I agree. Bury your head in the sand, the black destructive criminal trend remains unaddressed because people like you make it an untouchable racial issue.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    Fact, African American population in prison is outnumbering all others. This shows something is wrong and not that whitie is out to take down the black man, either. Something is wrong and Cosby is pointing it out and offering some advice to stop this. Most young black men I know, look up to leaders in the black community (Rappers, professional athetes) terrible examples to look at.

    Fact: Most poor blacks get arrested again and again and again.....................perpetual cycle............POVERTY.

    Are you reading my post? How many black men do you really know? Just out of the 40 million. Are most of them poor, or do their parents make over 100k a year?

    I mentor at three inner-city High schools so I have a sizable control group to base my opinions on. I think if you read the post throughly, you will see I agree that Bill was correct!!! 100% correct. I question the premise that you pose the question upon. Was I not clear? I have taken your points and respond to each individually. I apologize if this is not understandable to you. i say this because in your response, you connect points that are irrevelant to the previous dialogue. You either do not understand or do not read the previous post. Again, I mean no disrespect to you, this is just my observation.

    As for Obama

    I actually liked this guy and yet I doubt he will be elected. It will have very little to do with being black, it will have to do with the Clinton.

    What connection does Barak have within our dialogue? Please read the last two sentences above. If you decide to respond, connect the DOTS, not unrelated tangents.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    What, now you want specific names of black vandals, assholes and criminals? Bill Cosby makes reference to the trend, and I agree. Bury your head in the sand, the black destructive criminal trend remains unaddressed because people like you make it an untouchable racial issue.

    I apologize for not being clear. I obviously have the problem of NOT adressing your points directly. I do not ask you to name anyone. You are really missing the point on this.

    You say that the majority (that means 20 million people or more) have an attititude problem. I ask you to validate this (that means to offer proof other than your personal biased opinion). Is this from watching MTV?

    If you read my post and understand them, you will clearly see that I agree with William H. (Bill Cosby). Your point above is......................

    I am a 3rd generation Republican and I do not ignore any problems in the Black community. I volunteer many hours in poor neighborhoods. Again, read the post and respond accordingly.

    Did you notice I respond to your items individually. It should be clear to understand and respond to my points. You and Silver Surfer have missed the boat several times. Most JW's have very good debating techniques. They comment in the meetings and can make an intelligent response to a question. Going off on unrelated tangents is not a characteristic of the typical once baptized JW.

    Just an observation, no disrespect is intended.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    Fact, African American population in prison is outnumbering all others.

    Tangent, try connectioning the dots first. You have NOT responded to any of the questions that I pose, but I address each of yours. Just curious, how long were you a witness? Did you study for the meetings? Answer the other 23 questions before coming to these two. Blacks, phone bills and now prisions.

    Please try to address my points before introducing a new one.

    Am I clear? Is this understandable?

  • free2beme
    What connection does Barak have within our dialogue?

    Someone else mentioned him. I responded to more then one poster. I know a small group of older black men and woman. I know a few more younger, as I used to help coach sports related things locally. Anyway, most of the black people I know are freely admitting there is a problem and hope things change. My good friend of many years, was a guard at Pelican State Prison in California and a;ways felt it was sad how many African American men wasted their life early by turning to a life of crime over and over. My neighbor is a retired police officer from LA and felt the same. How do you make change though? By listening. Minorities as a whole are wasting a lot of opportunity. To add, I have only known one black family I would consider wealthy and the rest struggled. When I coached, I knew a lot of single mothers and felt sad for the boys, as I think a whole family has benefits (Despite any color). I will add something, I live in a very racist part of the country. KKK members are around here, and the black friends I have do not spend a lot of time alone on streets. Southern Oregon is not LA and things have happened here I am not proud of seeing in the news. Although, racist behavior is second worse to the METH problem. Even had racist behavior in the congregations. My point about the phone bill, is that it is way to common and shows a trend. A trend that from just a small slice of information, shows why Cosby is so concerned.

  • mrsjones5
    By large, the black cominity in America has a severe attitude problem.

    Egads! I feel like such a crimminal...even though I've never been arrested and have never done anything to be arrested and imprisioned for.


  • brinjen

    I fail to see the connection between black people and unpaid phone bills. I work in an in bound call centre for a telecommunications company, I also deal with scammers everyday. The company I work for has a legal obligation to provide a working telephone service, (in place, emergency calls only) we cop a lot of scammers that owe the company thousands of dollars. I'd hazard a guess most of them are not black... I've had people try to get a full landline service, internet, mobile the works when they owe $5,000+. It's a social problem in general, not just limited to one particular race.

    Or the ones calling you every name under the sun because you won't waive the $59 connection fee, or remove the charges for that 2 hour call they made to a mobile... happens everywhere regardless of race, colour or creed.

    The problem is we keep expecting them to blend in while at the same time we keep singling them out. I have one collegue who comes from a non-english speaking background, he speaks english very flluently but still has an accent. The amount of flak he cops from the customers is unbelievable. He's asked to transfer calls several times a day by customers who want to "speak to an Australian."

    I think rather than singling certain ones out we need to start treating everyone as indivduals... just my thought.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    Someone else mentioned him. I responded to more then one poster. I know a small group of older black men and woman. I know a few more younger, as I used to help coach sports related things locally. Anyway, most of the black people I know are freely admitting there is a problem and hope things change. My good friend of many years, was a guard at Pelican State Prison in California and a;ways felt it was sad how many African American men wasted their life early by turning to a life of crime over and over. My neighbor is a retired police officer from LA and felt the same. How do you make change though? By listening. Minorities as a whole are wasting a lot of opportunity. To add, I have only known one black family I would consider wealthy and the rest struggled. When I coached, I knew a lot of single mothers and felt sad for the boys, as I think a whole family has benefits (Despite any color). I will add something, I live in a very racist part of the country. KKK members are around here, and the black friends I have do not spend a lot of time alone on streets. Southern Oregon is not LA and things have happened here I am not proud of seeing in the news. Although, racist behavior is second worse to the METH problem. Even had racist behavior in the congregations. My point about the phone bill, is that it is way to common and shows a trend. A trend that from just a small slice of information, shows why Cosby is so concerned.

    Thanks for responding. Point taken.

    In Los Angeles, there is an area called Baldwin Hills that is called the black Beverly Hills. Several of the witnesses in the View Park Cong. have businesses and are very wealthy. Most of the brothers have Republican views because they perserve our way of life. I am not for social programs unless they are for the elderly, children or the handicap. Again, just my opinion. Most of my co-workers make well over 100 k a year. Their chldren have no connection with gangs. It bothers me when others think that 40 million blackkk people all think the same.

    Today, my company sponsored an event in LA. After I spoke, I went to my old neighborhood in South LA, the Bad one. It is surprising, the children I grew up with were HANGING out. Stuck in a cycle of poverty and ignorance. My brothers and I are middle class, as we were raised, while others from single parent families are repeating the path of their parents. I attend several Diversity Conferences every year. The Linkage in Atlanta and the Conference Board in NYC are my favorites. I enjoy this topic a great deal.

    Again, I did not mean to offend you in anyway. I love good dialogue, well, any dialogue on this subject matter. I just noticed the rhetoric and links you were making and I felt compelled to respond. I agree with Bill and I am aware of the problem in the black community. I live it every day. I live in a very racist area now as well. Valencia, Ca. I enjoy the challenge though. Most racist are wealthy here, but ignorant as well.

    I have enjoyed the dialogue with you, but i must prepare for a possible evacuation. We have 3 fires in our area tonight.

    Thanks for the convo.

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