Our JC

by besty 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mary

    That is so typical of the Witness mentality, it can't possibly be that much of a surprise. Although your letter was written well, wished them no ill-will, specified what you had found out about the Organization and even tried 'reasoning from the scriptures' with them, all they can see is: You are doubting God's Organization which equals apostasy, end of story. It's cases like this put on the internet that truly exposes how sick and evil the WTB&TS truly is.

    The shock was that my only brother had made a special 900 mile round trip on the Friday to give evidence to the JC. He has always been a hardliner, currently a PO, but this was below the belt on so many levels...our house is less than a mile from the KH and he never knocked our door to see how we were or even to see his only two nephews...shame on him.

    Yep. Something similar happened to a good friend of mine last year that I did a post about here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/123921/1.ashx

  • anewme

    That was a very well written letter. No doubt with your combined talents you could do even more to help others out of the mire.

    Why promise to be good little apostates and keep quiet? That is exactly what they want! They cannot hurt your further, so why not be more vocal and do a website or blog or youtube video or your experience like so many others are doing?

    It might be good therapy!

  • tijkmo
    Shortly after we were both DF'd

    shoot the wounded -

  • besty

    thanks for all the kind words my fellow earth-dwellers.

    (I'm suffering from a new bout of cognitive dissonance right now - I like the concept of all of us being Gods's children together, but I'm also veering heavily towards atheism - go figure)

    We spent a bit of time working on the letter to try and get our points across so I'm glad that you all appreciate the effort - feel free to plagiarize! (although I've read many DA letters I think you should write your own)

    Although I miss my family contact we are 400 miles away in any case and are shortly leaving London for SoCal - probably Manhattan Beach in LA :-)

    I am in LA right now checking things out for us.

    Best regards to you all - kisses <in a manly way of course>

  • Dagney

    Hi (((Besty & Sweet Pea))),

    Excellent letter!! (Heavy sigh...)

    All I can say is there is a brave new wonderful world before you. It's bittersweet, what we lose and what we gain. But, there really is no turning back.

    Besty, I am from the area; I will e-mail my contact info to you if I can be of any assistance.

    Sending good thoughts...

  • jgnat

    What a beautiful little family you have going on! Enjoy them. Take lots of pictures, save a few of their creations, and write down all the cute things they do. This time flies quickly.

  • LennyinBluemont

    Besty and Sweetpea, I thought your letter was great. And I think you went about it in just the right way for you. Sweetpea, your brother's actions and inactions are reprehensible. But keep reminding yourself, he is part of the collective, the matrix. He is acting exactly the way he has been programmed to act. It just shows how this religion brings out the very worst in people who might otherwise be very nice. Most all of us here can readily identify with the feeling of all of your friends being instantly gone. You knew that's what you would face, and yet you had the courage to stand for principle. You're gonna make fine parents. No doubt, at the very least you will shy away from any kind of organized religion, perhaps for the rest of your lives. That's your decision. Many of us have concluded it really doesn't matter. Be kind and loving to your fellow humans and enjoy life. That's about as much religion as I can handle. Welcome to the land of the free. Month by month, year by year, you will feel more and more normal. We hope to meet you at an apostafest one day!


  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Wow Besty, that is the best I've read. So well put!

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    The irony is that my letter IS NOT a Disassociation letter - I specifically ask for them to leave us alone and in turn we will leave others alone.

    But they ignored this, just as they ignored my mental state and bulldozed ahead with the judgement.

    So now the cuffs are off and we can shout it from the rooftops if we please.....

    Thanks again for all your kind comments.


  • jgnat

    I told your story to a "bus buddy" today. She helped one of her daughters with twins. She was horrified that you were put through all that, and the total lack of empathy from your "church".

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