I think it's absolutely charming when a man opens a door for me; lights my cigarette; opens my door before I get out of the car; etc. It makes me feel "frilly" in that girly kind of way: safe and protected. It's very close, safe, and secure. A very comforting feeling.
However, I'm a "country girl" too, and I've had to put up fences with my husband; pull up a well pump by a hand crank 130 feet from under the ground; hook up horse trailers; chop up fallen trees with a chainsaw; and break a horse by myself. When I was being raised I drove a combine for my grandfather; helped my Grandfather in the garden; and cleaned out a cess pit. I am definitely not what you would consider delicate. My husband respects me for that; I can still be a lady, but will do what I have to do to make this house/family run.
All in all, I use this rule: depends on the size of the person and their strength. If you're dealing with a very little person, who is half the size of you, just walk away, unless they have a gun, knife or sledge hammer. If you're dealing with a person that is the size of you, and you know to be very strong, you have a right to defend yourself, even *if* they are a woman. Some women are really strong! But if they're being difficult and abusing you, you have to defend yourself in one way or another! Screw chivalry during these times!
Like force = like force for defense.