Now here is a little different subject we haven't discussed much. I read a book a while back about dreams called, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim , by Frederick Perls, a well known psychologist . His take on dreams, without getting too deep, was we dream about unfinished situations in our lives which are troubling us still . We seem to get stuck in an emotional impasse, stuck without coming to a completion in the unfinished situation, so the way our subconcsious thought releases this tension is through dreams . In our concsious waking, normal daily life we ignore the circumstance and put it in the back of our mind, but if left unhandled, it usually comes out in our dreams. Thus the old expression, you can't control what you dream. In a way, that is a good thing, because in our daily life instead of just being, and accepting all parts of ourself we tend to compartmentalize the things about ourselves we wish to accept , and discard or ignore the other things. So by talking about our dreams, we may discover hidden things which are being repressed , troubling us.
I remember years ago not being allowed to see my then, fiance, because of her strict parents and controlling father. After finally marrying her I had a dream that I was waiting for her father, my ex-father in law, to walk in the door . When he walked through I went at him with a skillsaw, plugged into the wall. But just when I about reached his throat with the blade, the saw came unplugged, LOL!, thank god ! But I had felt oppressed in that relationship, and the stress came out in that dream ! Mrs. Flipper, when we were first dating, woke me up out of a dead sleep one night , and started yelling " Fur!", " Fur ! ". She was shaking, quivering, I wondered , " What the hell ? " After waking her up, she said in her dream she was yelling " Fire ! ", " Fire! ", because the house was on fire in her dream, and some men were at the front door trying to break in ! Really creepy . She had remembered being threatened by people years before , so she was dreaming this. She still had unfinished fear within her about the situation.
So, my friends, what dreams have you had that were vivid in your life ? Have you talked in your sleep ? I think it might be fun to share that with one another. Especially if you don't have someone to share it with in life, perhaps we can all help you to see what you are dreaming about. But, just for the fun of it, it would be funny to see what we have dreamed about or talked about in our sleep ! So let me have it ! Share your dreams and we will have fun checking them out ! Look forward to hearing from you ! Hope you are all well ! Don't be shy now, just having fun here ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper