Jehovah's Witnesses Have Lost Their Purpose In Life!

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    That's my conclusion. They don't stand for anything anymore. They used to be known as "Bible Students" but not anymore. They were at one time well organized preachers. But most JWs have no idea what actual preaching involves. (See the Rutherford JWs).

    Their prophetic understandings have changed so much that you need a cheat sheet in order to follow the Revelation Climax book. The meetings and literature is so dumbed down that you just can't think critically, even if you wanted to.

    Todays, Jehovah's Witness is a SOCIAL group. It's a bunch of people who need to feel like they belong to at least something "special". What it is anymore, who really knows? But it's a fraternity with no real drive, no true sense of urgency.

    JWs just go through the motions. They generally attend meetings---but if something very important came up, they would miss. Getting a Witness to preach, teach, prepare, do personal study and take care of their own responsibilities is simply expecting too much. But what keeps them trying is the sense of guilt because no human can do all that is expected by the Organization.

    Ultimately, you've got exhausted, weak, sick minded people just trying to keep it together, day by day, week by week-----hanging on just long enough until "The End" comes. They are on auto-pilot. Meanwhile they enjoy nothing "this life" offers them. And they are miserable.

  • megsmomma

    Sad, isn't it.

    It's the one thing that keeps me from hating my mom though....she is just a sad, miserable cult follower.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    Todays, Jehovah's Witness is a SOCIAL group. It's a bunch of people who need to feel like they belong to at least something "special". What it is anymore, who really knows? But it's a fraternity with no real drive, no true sense of urgency.

    More like a mental trap where people remain within the group so that they can put off confronting reality. That's exactly what I did.

    As a JW any time you actually start to think about what you are doing things get really scary. One of the worst feelings you have as a JW is one in which you think about how lost you would feel in life without your 'answers'.

  • undercover
    Todays, Jehovah's Witness is a SOCIAL group. It's a bunch of people who need to feel like they belong to at least something "special". What it is anymore, who really knows? But it's a fraternity with no real drive, no true sense of urgency.

    And it's not even a fun social group.

    There are so many "dos" and "dont's" that they have to follow. And if anyone tries to show any individuality, then they are ostracized by the group. And yet, they're so indoctirnated into this lifestyle they can't imagine life outside of this miserable existence.

  • SirNose586

    Some of the younger ones are just failing extra hard. They're even doing poorly by "worldly" standards.

    I can tell you that a good amount of the congregation just treats it like a social club, with some particular rules. Only the most poor and sheltered are "in it to win it."

  • journey-on

    "Mother" knows this, too. The first Special Edition of the WT (aka Kool-Aid version) is all about putting the

    spark back into the rank and file. I read the whole thing just to try and get a feel for where they are going

    with this members only stuff, and my intuition tells me that the mother org sees this same trend toward

    apathy and lackluster preaching and wants to put the "fear" and "zeal" back in their flock.

  • Blueblades

    Actually I think that what holds them together is the belief that they will live forever on a paradise earth. Some diehards are clinging to this very hope that today, next week, next month ,this year, next year, soon, very soon, close at hand, it's really coming now etc. "CARROT"

    No matter how many changes in doctrines and or teachings, they are disillusioned and believe life everlasting is on the way. So, they hang on, hoping that today is the start of that day.

    Not all believe it and are hanging around because of family.

    Yes, they have lost their purpose and still hope beyond hope that it just might happen in their life time.

    Sad isn't it?


  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    What purpose?

  • minimus

    Only diehard Witnesses will soak in "the End is coming anytime now" propaganda. The others will go thru the motions.

  • Dagney

    I've just spent some time with hardcore JW family, and they haven't lost what they perceive is their JW purpose, not one bit.

    They are busier and busier...more and more "stressed" they tell me. Can't wait for the destruction of the world...they feel "sorry" for everyone.

    Quite humorous.


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