I was a major goof. Still tend to be one.
Well...while working for an office supply place and taking back to back calls I decided to make my own custom post it notes. So seeing I always have these blot pieces of paper for lipstick around and back before colorstay lipstick was in, People would always tease me for these.
So I decided to apply lipstick and kiss a post it note. pull off a note...Apply more lipstick and do it again. Well after a whole stack of post its and into a new color stack (in between calls of course) I thought I would liven things up and change the color of the lips on the notes. What better way than white out!
What an idea!! So I poured a whole mess on a paper and dipped my lips in it thinking that if I did it that way it would stay wet seeing it always got dry so fast. Well I did not think too hard on that one, for the paper/post it I was trying to get white out correction fluid onto my lips with wrapped up onto my face and made a huge square right around my face of white out. It dried so fast and would not come off.
Well I was stuck in Que and could not get off the phone, my face is burning and I feel like a fool afraid to tell anyone what I was doing...so I wait a bit and tried to scratch this square off with my nails to no use. Finally I raised my little "excuse me flag" and have to get up to go to the restroom with this white blob across my lips and mouth.
The only soap available was that dry powder soap that does nothing for your face and reallly does nothing to clean either. So by the time I got back to my seat I had these giant gorrilla lips and inflamed square across my face. Silly and stupid really!
This is the same job that I went to roll backwards to grap a notepaper or something and flopped my chair while in a dress with headphones on with a customer on the line. I managed to choke myself, scream some crazy African sounding sing song sound and flip my chair and dress bottoms up at the same time with a customer on the line. It would be a perfect office space.
I also have forgotten my headset was on while going to break and did that thing you see in the commercial where the person stands up and starts to walk pulling themselves over by the neck. Yeah that was embarrasing....
Once at one of my first jobs while changing the tape register I stuck my finger in the cardboard roll and had to get the roll sawed off my finger because it made my finger swell and turn purple and was really stuck quite harshly in the roll.
The list goes on....
Only if you have all night. I was/er... can still be a major goob.