To my friends that are not in the US: Do you get this kind of propaganda?

by CaptainSchmideo 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • 4digitcode

    ninja that's hilarious

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?
    They bury their prejudice toward patriotic Americans behind some pseudo-intellectualism thinking they're so-o-o cool for badmouthing Big Ole Mean America. Bull**it.

    I don't think anyone has ever accused the person who came up with this thread of being a pseudo intellectual.

  • journey-on

    Who Are You?

  • mentalclearness

    The problem is not that Americans love their country. Many people are proud of where they come from. I think that is a good thing. It's a problem when you look down on all other countries. I think that is what irritates many people around the world about Americans. I often am amazed at the comments Americans make about other countries when they have never even been outside the U.S.

    I have friends who work in communications. My friend was telling me that they are running WWII documentaries on this spanish cultural channel glorifying It completely. perhaps in hopes of recruiting? Before in local newspapers a list of the soldiers that died would be listed to give support to families and give them recognition. They aren't allowed to do that anymore. Maybe too many soldiers dying overseas would decrease the morale??? Also photographs of the coffins with soldiers coming back to the States have been banned.

    Seriously people..don't be so should watch the news from outside the U.S...It gives you a whole new perspective...

  • dawg

    Rollerdave, Even brothers can disagree... you are my bro and I truly enjoy your posts...

    THat said, Bush is no genius....he may not have the brains of a newt but he's not a great thinker. worse yet, the field that's running now, both parties, don't stand for the America I believe in.

    I'll make it simple-Thomas Jefferson-no entangling alliances

    Alexander Hamliton-Small govenment-no national debt

    I also believe in the constitution, I don't like my govenment listening to my conversations and the like. I can go on but the jest of it is that neither party stands for what I beleive in, and I think Bush is the worst President in every area that I've ever witnessed-sans JImmy Carter who may have even topped Bush in ineptness.

    I always like your posts-they are always well thought out... what is it that makes you support Bush?

  • CaptainSchmideo

    I'd rather live here that anywhere else, and that's no lie.

    But I am also seeing some things change in the political and social climate that worry me.

    I guess I'm just a sucker for believing the words in the Declaration of Independence, or the Consititution and the Bill of Rights. When I was 12 years old, it was the Bicentennial, and at that time, there was a big emphasis on learning about the Founding Fathers, and the ideas behind the Declaration. I learned a lot things that year than my son, who is two years older now than I was back then, has never heard of, never been taught in what passes for History class these days. Because such ideas as freedom of expression, religion, or thought are not popular these days, unless you are expressing admiration for everything that the US does, have a religion that worships Jesus, and think happy thoughts.

    Say anything critical of the government, whether you be a journalist, a public servant, or just Joe citizen, and "you must hate America!"

    One thing in Branson that I must mention: I "took one for the team", and listened to a sales pitch for a time share (the things you have to do for discount tickets!) At one point, the salesman (a good ole, folksy kinda guy), tells me about how bad motels are, and the majority of them are owned by the "I.P.S". Which he revealed to be "Indians, Pakistanis, and Saudi Arabians". Well, they must have a pretty good "purge squad" there in Branson, because I didn't see any Middle Easterner or Asians there (unless you count the Japanese guy that plays the fiddle, or Yakov Smirnov). Very few African Americans either. When I saw another Hispanic family there, I wanted to shout "hermano!" and run to them! Very disconcerting to be in that White of a town. (Oh, and I kept my brain intact, and I don't own 1/50th of a property by Table Rock Lake,even though they offered me $6000 worth of bonuses if I plunked down $2000 today! (And I had to make the decision then!))

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hmmm, did I miss it? I didn't think there was anything wrong with the vid (apart from that she couldn't keep the damned camera still and the kid who repeated "Mom is it over?" for the final 2 minutes!). It was a show of what I'd term general patriotism rather than OTT. Do those here from the US think maybe that because there is a perceived dislike of them by the rest of the world that they feel the need to demonstrate their patriotism more strongly?

    We'd possibly do things like that more in the UK but unfortunately it's sometimes classed as racist to even dare brandish a British or English flag without 'good reason'!

    And all the US tourists I've ever met are great - more loud and in yer face than I'm used to, that's confidence but not rude In fact they're better than a lot of our natives.

    Don't beat yourselves up guys, be proud of who you are but without losing respect for other countries and you'll be just fine

  • CaptainSchmideo
    I don't think anyone has ever accused the person who came up with this thread of being a pseudo intellectual.

    I don't know if I've been insulted or not...

  • 4digitcode

    journey-on I agree with you and have gotten into a lot of debate defending americans while living in other european countries than the UK.

    Here is one account:

    I was in rome with some witness friends and for i don't remember what reason one replies ".....america...yeah you can't even keep your buildings upright" refering to september 11th.

    It absolutely made my blood boil. I stared him dead in the eye and said would you say that about the london terrorist attacks or the russian operahouse attack!!"

    It seems that because america is the most powerful country in the world people forget their humanity when refering to america. They forget it is made up of people like themselves.
    And also like you said It is so cool to say america sucks that a lot of people say it mindlessly just to have something to say.

    When looking at WORLD politics not just american or british or french, etc. on their own but as componenets of one same planet, i soon saw that america is at number one also because everyone else wants it there, or as one frank politician said NEEDS it to be there. maybe not individuals but bigger entities than a mere human being DO!
    That's when you see a discrepancy between the governments' view and the people's view.

    about civil liberties of course america has civil liberties any person who said it had none would obviously be wrong. But they can be taken away from you in the blink of an eye. Recent Example: People being detained for months with no charge after september 11th.....You'll say that is a protection for the american people?....yes it might well probably be...but it still doesn't disprove my point.

    Maybe i'm wrong and i do speak humbly.I don't have an ideal that i must impose. Due to the impersonal nature of posts on a forum i hope things i say won't be misconstrued to be disrespectful of anyone's nation and heritage. it's nice if we can discuss things objectively.

  • Anti-Christ

    I never understood patriotism or national pride. I don't know if it's because of my JW upbringing but I don't get it. I was born and raised in Quebec, a french speaking province, here there is a lot of "french" pride ( not as much as when I was younger). I have English, Scottish, French and Native American blood. I don't consider myself to be Canadian or Quebecois, I'm just me, a human trying to survive in this man made wilderness.

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