To my friends that are not in the US: Do you get this kind of propaganda?

by CaptainSchmideo 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptainSchmideo

    To further make my point, here is the "Big Finish" of the Dolly Parton "Dixie Stampede"

    It doesn't include the "corn-pone" intro, where Dolly herself appears on a video screen, telling us that "thayr ain't no North and thayr ain't no South, we is all Amairikkens" and then proceeds into the song. And the crowd just eats this stuff up with a knife and fork! With verses all about our God-given country and God fearing citizens(and that's the part that gets me. The ingrained belief that God actively "gave" the section of North America between Canada and Central America as some kind of gift to White Europeans, complete with the blessings of wiping out the heathen natives that were here before us. )

  • fifi40

    Captain Schimdeo I have never found American tourists to be arrogant and the other things you said but I agree with Sad Emo that they do have a tendency to be a little loud.......that said....

    I mainly agree with anti christ.......we all just happened to be the strongest sperm on some particular day.....and where we ended up on this planet should not stop us from being an individual.

  • journey-on

    Hey! Now you've made me mad! Cutting down Miss Dolly like that! Thems fightin' words...

    Seriously. I love Dolly Parton. And believe me, she's not as dumb as you portray her to be.

    She's actually quite savvy and a pretty smart businesswoman. And she's right even though

    she may have said it in what you called a corn-pone kind of way. It doesn't matter whether you

    are North or South, we're all in this together.

    The stuff about the Indians........I don't even want to go there today.

  • Junction-Guy

    Being raised a JW, I especially appreciate the flag and what it stands for. Whenever the flag is raised I am usually the first one to place my hand on my heart. I think being raised a JW for many people it robbed them of their sense of patriotism, not me by God !! I refused to let it.

    Branson is a neat toruist town, similar to Pigeon Forge. I have been to the Dixie Stampede in Pigeon Forge.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Yea yea everyone hates America until we need to stop Hitler...just joking

  • Jourles


    You may change your mind about the list of presidential candidates if you were to look into Ron Paul. I would suggest starting at You Tube and look at the GOP debates, Google's HQ conference, and other general news interviews. You'll see why the media tries its best to subdue his influence in this race. Everything you said you believe in, RP fits you to a tee. Everything he wants to do is in direct opposition to what Bush is doing now. And they are supposedly on the same side of the aisle.

    And on another note about "hating America," it's not AMERICA itself or the people in America that some hate. It is the policies of the current government, more specifically - this administration, that makes people "hate America." There is a difference here. This administration is gradually phasing out our original rights under the guise of keeping America safe from terrorism. The WTS invokes the same fear in the r&f when it comes to keeping the flock safe from the world and other dangers(internet, apostates, etc). If the WTS says something is bad and we need to change our habits or personal routine to keep us safe from such dangers, what do you think the r&f will do? Ignore the WTS or blindly follow along? We need to view the government, and not just of our own country in which we live, as similar to how we view the WTS as exjw's. There is nothing wrong with critically examining the doctrines of our old religion or even our government. If we're told that it's wrong, well, then I hope you can see the problem in this.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I know a lot of Brits, Aussies, Canadians, etc, always marvel at the arrogance, haughtiness, and cockiness of US tourists visiting their countries.

    Maybe it's because the poorer, humbler folks can't afford to travel to Britain, Australia, Canada, etc.?

    I respectfully disagree with you that most or the majority of Americans feel or show the obnoxious kind of patriotism that you mention. I'd say most Americans I know or meet or have known or met are very quiet on the subject of patiotism. They prefer to show it in the ways you mentioned, ways that are positive and that help America and the rest of the world.

    Do Brits, Canadians and Aussies not fly their country's flags on their houses, etc? I will never forget how upset some Canadians got when the Maple Leaf was accidently flown upside down at the World Series when the Braves played the Blue Jays. I am convinced that the Braves threw the last game under duress to appease American and Canadian officials and keep up the good will. The last play, by a Braves batter was a bunt in a situation that a child would have understood was the wrong play. In other words, Canadians can get pissy over the Maple Leaf, too. I don't know about Britian and Australia, but I have a hunch there are citizens of both countries who feel very protective of the flags and feel also patriotic.

  • dawg

    I like Ron Paul, Jourles.... I agree with alot of what he says, but he won't win and that menas that Hillary, or Gulliani will. We will once again be left with the winner of a beauty pagent,and we will once again be poorly lead... that's my opinion at least.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Oh, I have no doubt that Dolly is a sharp, savvy businesswoman. She knows how to sell her image quite well, and as I said, a lot of the folks in the audience ate that stuff up with gusto!

  • CaptainSchmideo

    But, of course, this is my favorite performance of a pro-America song...

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