I bet pizza never tasted so good than tonight...
Look who's talking!
by mrsjones5 31 Replies latest jw friends
What is it exactly?
That's hard to explain cuz it's so different for each child. I had three kids before I had Joshua so I was pretty well versed in the stages that babies go through and when they generally start talking. Joshua started to talk close to a year but by the time he was a year and a half he stopped. He wouldn't even respond to his name. Then senory issues started to pop up: slamming his body in to hard surfaces, screaming because of loud noises, spinning, giving really hard kisses, and a few other things.
I got Joshua evaluated when he was 2 through a program here in Indiana called First Steps. First Steps recommended and setup 3 therapists to come to my house each week until he was 3 then I was able to get him into a program with the local school district called Early Childhood Ed which only accepts kids like Joshua. He's in his second year with the school program and he does something new each day. It's wonderful.
I just read the wikpedia article on autism . It soundsl like a you have every reason to happy ! Good luck mrsjones5 and may God bless you.
That is really good news! I'm happy for him and you.
I wish they would figure out what causes it. So many kids are getting it.
thats great......
You are a super MOM
thanks for sharing.
Dear Josie: You warmed my heart!
That's some terrific news! Thanks so much for sharing this, give the little man a high five from me!
so he is about 4 now?
wish we had that in my time with my chidren,,i feel great guilt,,,i took him for brain scans/headaches, etc
but i was told he was just 'busy'differrent'
funny, he was the one i got the closest to,,,it was like he needed me the most:)
i sure do miss him
enjoy yours, such a blessing
Awesome, Hon... thanks for sharing it with us.
That is great news and so encouraging.
My 5 year old grandson has been showing signs of 'high functioning' autism now for about 1 1/2 years. My daughter and her boyfriend are close now to actually getting a diagnosis. She has had two (2) sessions with psychiatrists and next week will be the 3rd session and hopefully a final determination.
My grandson was born at 23 weeks gestation ( my daughter was in her 5th month of pregnancy) and he was 1 lb 3 oz when he was born. A miracle that he stayed alive. I fully applaud the neonatal hospital units we have available today-truly amazing.
The doctors had warned my daughter and her boyfriend that when he turned about 3 or 4 yrs old, to look out for signs of autism. Therefore, we were not surprised when he started showing and exhibiting the signs.
He is in a special school that is really great at helping him and very often he says statements that just blows their minds. His speech and social interaction are not the greatest, but we can understand him and he is making strides with his writing.
One of the main problems is his violent outbursts or his disappearing into his own world at times.
I talk with my daughter everyday on the phone because not only does she have the 5 year old but also a 2 year old..........so the both of them keep her busy along with her secular work schedule. Her boyfriend works sometimes 6 days a week- so many times she is dealing with the brunt of the problems at home by herself.
Autism is truly a work in progress of patience, love, understanding and endurance.
I take my 'hat' off to anyone handling this situation.