My sisters wedding...

by zamora251978 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tribalgirl

    Let's see, I believe issues like this make reason #547 on the list of why I got off that loopy ride.

    I really feel for you, it amazes me that there are ANY people left in that religion.

    What ever happened to families being there for each other?

  • Es

    im so so sorry for you and your children.

    Crap like this makes me so angry! If they are not getting married in the hall it shouldnt matter.

    Infact my first wedding was in a hall and I was able to invite my extended fam who were not JW.

    I hope she comes to her senses


  • ex-nj-jw

    Zamora - Welcome to JWD,

    If I were you, I'd go to the wedding and the reception and if brother L asked me to leave, I'd tell him to kiss my A$$, he has no authority to ban you from anything or tell your sister what she can and cannot do! Period end of discussion!!!

    I hate elders, especially NAZI ELDERS


    Sorry for the rant!

  • aquagirl

    when my jw niece got married,i got an invitation.i sent a gift{the wedding night in a really nice hotel}..the day b4 the wedding,i was informed that while they accepted and appreciated the gift,that i wasnt allowed at their wedding after sorry!!!!id paid for the room in cash,but if i hadnt,id have canceled it..nice folks,eh?probably just like what jesus would have done,no?

  • Fleur

    Just another hug ((((((((((((Lulu))))))))))) again I am so sorry that they are putting you through this.


  • jwfacts

    Welcome to the board. I am sorry to hear the difficulties that you are going through.

    I hope my sister thinks long and hard before she decides to "dedicate herself to the GB"....

    This is possibly not a good time to get her thinking too much about whether JWs have the Truth with all the wedding preparations going on, but it is an ideal opportunity for you to get her thinking. In your email to her you could tell her what your child said about the Bible teaching love not hate. Ask if she really ever wonders if this is really is the truth, and all these crazy rules were what Jesus wanted of his followers. Asking now whilst she is most emotional about it may help the horrible emotions generated by the Watchtower Society sink in. That is probably all you need say for now, and then wait till after the wedding to have any more discussions about it.

  • LaniB

    I'm sorry you are going through this Lulu. It always amazes me how they go the WTS goes on about how such examples jw's are with their fine "christian conduct" and how wonderful they are and then they get them to treat their own families like this.

  • lisavegas420

    This is the crap that pissed me off. Made up rules...lack of love...

    I'm so sorry for the pain.


  • FadingELD

    Hello Zamora,

    This story really bothers for more than one reason. What upsets me the most is the fact this Eld thanks he can dictate what happens outside the kingdom hall. I would have never suggested to an unbaptized publisher her sister could not come to the reception, it is up to the JW's attending not to socialize with you. I understand you are thinking of your sisters feelings regarding her special day, but this Eld does not have the right to keep you from the reception and you should let your sister know this. I believe you can handle this in such a manner as to let your sister know you will not be a distraction and that you would just be enjoying her day and some of the refreshments at the reception.



  • jeanniebeanz


    Honestly and truly, if someone did this to me, I would remind them in no uncertain terms of the ridiculousness of it all. I would also let them know that if they were going to go by this elders wishes that I would be canceling the hall and they could find some other doormat to pay for a place.

    Of all the nerve. And to those who would say how heartless this is, my comment is: Are you such a doormat that you feel obligated to pay someone to walk all over you? What happened to your self-respect that you feel you must play the martyr in order to be worthy of being this person's relative? Do you really think that a person who would take an 'elder's' advice and cut you out of the most precious moment of their life deserves you anyhow?

    I don't, and playing into their bullshit just enables them to continue this type of emotional blackmail with others. Don't play into it!

    Jean < is steaming...

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