Merry Xmas to all! But I'll just Sun worship thanks anyways....

by Frank.L 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frank.L

    I've "celebrated " Christmas once or twice with past girlfriends but I have to admit I cant stand it.I did it out of respect for them. Why the hell is Jesus so damn important to me that i have to celebrate this guys friggin birthday? I understand that Society has made christmas into a comercial holiday for those who dont want to make it about Jesus but i for one cant pry apart all the Jesus stuff, songs and the rest of it from the religious part of it. If i was at my catholic relatives house I would have to show tolerance and respect. Fine no problem. But as an Ex JW i must rant that I hate the fact that its celebrated as if our whole world has to stop and think about Dec 25 with some reverence Year after Year after Year ...and so on .....If i work on that day i get paid DT 1/2..thats the only good thing i can think about that day. If i had to give Christmas some meaning...i would have to say the true meaning of Christmas is sex. Because you have more time off from work to do what you really want to do with your significant other.......of course spending time with relatives/family is great but leads into the festive christmassy spirit....hummm.. sigh... If i had small chidren who wanted to be part of the whole societal system of getting into the xmas spirit I would put on a happy face and grunt and bear it I guess...but...I guess what it comes down to is that i had the JW religion forced on me and I feel Christmas is so widespread it feels "forced" me and I hate that...If i see Its a Wonderful Life one more time Im gona burst a vessel. Rudolf and the rest of the cartoons make me .ummm..upset...( Now if there were R rated versions of Its a wonderful life or Rudolf I might watch..who knows...). On the other hand Xmas parties can be fun when xmas is kept out of the party. Christmas cards are one step from the trash can the next day. Xmas trees??

    Xmas I feel should be a private celebration for those who believe in Jesus. This isnt really done in private. Wana give gifts to each other ....great but why should i know about it? Yes i do think all the lights on ppl houses look nice but why the hell is that for Christmas? I dont see them at other times of the yr. I would like to see lights every night of the yr if possible on ppl s houses not on Jesus birthday. When society celebrates this I feel like i celebrate it along with them just cuz its eveywhere. IMO this should stop. Christmas is like a toy. If you like your toy then keep it to yourself. Why offer it to all of us to play with? I have my own toys thank you very much. In the end i really dont care whether ppl know the true history of Jesus day of birth. I dont think that makes a difference anymore. What makes a difference is how ppl treat each other on a daily basis. Jesus has no relevance in my day to day life. None whatsoever.

  • megsmomma

    That is your choice to make....we all enjoy the freedom to make it mean whatever we want for ourselves and our families. No one should be forced into any kind of holiday....

    Feel better?

  • Frank.L

    LMAO..yes i feel better ..thanks..

    It was a rant after if it sounded harsh.....

  • stay young and beautiful
    stay young and beautiful

    I completely and utterly DESPISE Christmas

  • Gopher

    Gee, I thought this was the time of year for Halloween rants.

  • megsmomma

    Glad you got it off your chest

    (And rant away....It's all right!)

  • Frank.L

    I absolutely love Halloween. Its the exact opposite of Xmas...When i think of Halloween i think of horror movies..Michael Myers..Jason....ect....i guess getting the shit scared out of you is fun! JESUS has nothing to do with Halloween. If Jesus did have something to do with it I might not like it

  • megsmomma

    Ok....I can't help myself....

    I HATE Halloween....I hate being scared. I have celebrated it a couple times to appease friends, but, I didn't have any fun at all going through a haunted cornfield and getting chased by crazy mad-men untill I fell down and screamed and peed my pants. I also don't appreciate all the JUNK food, I least with Christmas you get some turkey and mashed potatoes...not just sugar and chocolate. And, what's up with all the people who give out the "cheap" candy. You know the candy that is supposed to be hard, and it has a layer of gooey tacky stuff on it....or the chocolate that has white spots. And what's up with all the scary movies on TV......even if you don't watch them the commercials for them is enough to make my electric bill go through the roof because I have to leave every light on just so I can sleep. And what does candy and costumes have to do with the Devil....he doesn't do anything for me in day to day life, why would I want to pay HIM homage on that day?

  • Finally-Free

    I don't give Christmas or other holidays much thought. In the last few years I celebrated with my sisters and their families, but I'll probably pass on it this year. They always put on huge feasts, and I really have to watch my diet since I was diagnosed with diabetes last year. They don't seem to understand that I need to watch what I eat, and how much, and they get all insulted when I turn down 2nd and 3rd helpings of food, and numerous desserts.


  • reneeisorym

    As someone who believes in Jesus and finds him a very big part of her life, I agree with a lot of what you said. I don't understand why people who aren't one of Jesus's followers celebrate the holiday. It doesn't make any sense to me. They are free to do what they want to do, but I can't understand why they do it.

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