Merry Xmas to all! But I'll just Sun worship thanks anyways....

by Frank.L 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    BAH HUMBUG!!!!!


    ... and anyway who says Xmas HAS to be about Jesus anyway?

  • Frank.L


    OMG..u live in a haunted cornfield..can i chase you with an axe? ...ok chase me with it then!

  • Frank.L

    Finally free

    and I really have to watch my diet since I was diagnosed with diabetes last year

    Can you tell me what happened? What brought on the diagnosis...did u start to get light headed or something?.. I eat way too many sweets...damm..

  • megsmomma

    Maybe I would enjoy it more if I was on the giving end of the chase!! Now.....I may have to give that a try! LOL!!

    (PS...I don't live in a haunted cornfield, but, there was one that was set up in Oklahoma that was very scary!!)

  • Frank.L

    Warm Oklahoma winds, 8ft tall corn stalks, and nothing but silence. Humm. Sounds like Children of the corn to

  • Sirona
    If i had to give Christmas some meaning...i would have to say the true meaning of Christmas is sex.

    Funny you should say that Frank,

    Regarding Yule (Winter Solstice) - an origin of Christmas

    According to neo-pagans, the Goddess has been impregnated by the God and gives birth to him again at Yule - 21 Dec, sparking a 7 day festival where clearly 25th slap bang in the middle. So in a round about way it is about sex. LOL


  • Finally-Free
    I eat way too many sweets...damm..

    Hi Frank, I hope my PM helps.

    I have a sweet tooth too. It's weird. If I don't have them in front of my face I don't even think about them, but if I have them in the house I just can't stop.


  • worldtraveller

    Looks like some here still have their Borg implants running at cyber speed. As I said to my JW friend recently I am glad I was never forced into something so mind nummingly irrelevant. So many of you have had all the fun sucked out of you.

    Our family enjoys the time together-Jesus is not the reason-living is the reason(not knocking Jesus though). We don't get together for pagan reasons, we get together because we are flesh and blood. We do it several times a month. No love bombing, just love of family. No specific reason at all, unless a turkey or ham is on sale.

    We are a real family, not a false family. No shunning-all is welcome including friends.

    But it IS a choice- we simply choose to be happy. It's also ok to do nothing at all. To those, merry nothing.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Sirona and worldtraveller - EXACTLY!!!

    Celebrate it if you want, for whatever reason you want. Who says it HAS to be about Jesus - other than blinkered control freaks?

  • Finally-Free
    Looks like some here still have their Borg implants running at cyber speed.

    I can honestly say my indifference to holidays has nothing to do with the JW indoctrination. Their non celebration of holidays was one thing I found attractive about them. I lost interest in holidays before I was a teenager, about 13 years before I got involved with the JWs. I didn't like receiving gifts, and still don't. I'm not sure why - maybe I don't like feeling indebted to anyone. I hate being the center of attention, so birthdays are out. My family and I have little in common aside from ancestry, so I can only take them in small doses. I'm sure they feel the same way.

    I prefer getting together with friends that I have something in common with.


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