"Let There Be Light"

by ElderChild 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Carl_Hernz

    While I am not too sure what ElderChild is getting at (and forgive me, ElderChild, but your writing is very cryptic), I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt that no harm is meant.

    However, ElderChild, be aware that I think we are in the presence of some very logical thinkers on this board, and one thing you need to be very careful about is that people could take offense at what might appear as ranting by you on this board. I know that is not your intention, as I am sure you have nothing but the greatest desire to build everyone up around you, including opposers.

    It appears you feel you have an important message to post and get across. So if I may be so bold, perhaps you can try again by writing in a way that we, as your audience, can fully appreciate you and the points you are making. I don't think many of us understand your point. Just think of us as a child that doesn't like certain nutritious foods, so you as the cook need to prepare them in a way that we can eat them. In other words, write at a level that ministers to us for our benefit, as I am sure that is why you are writing. While your style likely means a lot to you, it is unfortunately lost on us.

    "Be all things to all people," as the apostle wrote, and perhaps using a style that might be foreign to you, attempt at writing in a way that inspires discussion so we are uplifted by your words instead of confused or maybe, in the minds of some, left feeling like you are trying to preach down at us. Again I am sure your intentions, however, are only the best for us.

  • ElderChild

    simply, The Messiah was, is and always will be "The Light", "The Beginning of The Creation of The Only True GOD".......period.......

    "The Only True GOD", HE is Creator(Father) of ALL, The Messiah inclusive.......period.......

    and the "catholic/christian" "jesus christ" is but the "imag"ined name given to one-head of a three-headed pagan "god" ;-(

  • Carl_Hernz

    I think I understand what you're saying now. "Messiah" according to what you are saying is someone other than the historical Jesus of Nazareth.

    While there is question among religious and nonreligious people regarding who Jesus of Nazareth was, he is not a fictional character invented by Christendom. But I gather you are not saying that; am I correct in saying that you believe that this person has wrongly been identified as the promised anointed one of the Davidic dynasty? Or are you saying that the pronunciation in English of this individual's name is incorrect or a mere invention of the whim of people you consider false teachers?

    I was brought up speaking two languages, Spanish and English, Spanish being my mother tongue. At the age of 40 I now have a very good working knowledge of some 10 languages, including the ancient tongues of the Hebrew people and the first century Christians. So excuse me if I say that your statements are still cryptic, because it is not clear how you are using the term "Messiah."

    When someone uses that term, I think of it in the Hebrew sense and not in the way some English speakers do. Perhaps this may be where I fail in my use of American English being of Spanish descent. I do know that some English speakers sometimes use it to mean "savior," or "special one." Others mean it to express a union with God himself.

    So are you saying that God, the Creator, was the person anointed as the promised one of the Davidic dynasty? Or are you using the term Messiah without any reference to its Jewish origins? This is where you sound confusing, because the term "anointed" means "the person designated to rule."

    You may be a "newbie" just like me, and because I am a newbie I cannot speak for everyone else, but you do not show any signs of being able to explain yourself, a desire to help inform people, or the ability to communicate what you view as precious truth in any reasonable form. What does your topic have to do with this being a Jehovah's Witness discussion forum? Are you just trying to preach to us? If you really had something important to say about God you are going about it the wrong way.

    I don't mean to be insulting, but if you just want to get a message out that others need to hear, wouldn't a billboard be better than a closed Internet discussion board?

  • ElderChild

    once again, discussion, disputation, debate, all manifest but delusionary "shadows" of Truth.......period.......

    simply, Truth, as all that is Good, is Spirit and must be received.......period.......

    and once received, needs be shared.......period.......

    sad for you ;-(

    you speak with guile ;-( and it is quite clear you are of those promised "evil seducers who will wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived", those who "serve not The Messiah, but their own belly; those who by good words and fair speech seek to deceive the hearts of the simple."

    naught but a "catholic/christian/jw/mormon/.etc." clone who believes the lie that is the "imag"ined "jesus christ" of pagan greek mythology ;-(

    yet, while there is breath(spirit) there is hope!

    for Miracles do happen!

    hope is there would be those who experience The Miracle that is receiving "a love of The Truth" for they will "see" "The Light" created by The Only True GOD, Father of ALL!

    peace, in spite of the dis-ease(darkness) that is this wicked world and it's systems of religion....... francisco

  • Gopher

    Once again, ELDER CHILD, please note this is a "Discussion forum".

    If you believe discussion is so evil and delusionary, then probably this is the wrong place for you.

    Carl tried to see things from your perspective and presenting an honest question. Why are you responding in that manner to him?

  • Carl_Hernz

    I don't like to call people "trolls," but I guess one has to...

    Troll Message is an outrageous message posted to a message board, newsgroup or mailing list to bait people to answer.

    An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" or "Message Board Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.

    Next time you are on a message board and you see a post by somebody whom you think is a troll, and you feel you must reply, simply write a follow-up message entitled "Troll Alert" and type only this:The only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction and not to respond to trolling messages. It is well known that most people don't read messages that nobody responds to, while 99% of forum visitors first read the longest and the largest threads with the most answers.

    --From "Netiquette Guidelines"

    Signed, Carlos, the evil one or whatever this ElderChild, light of the world, said

  • ElderChild

    "Carl tried to see things from your perspective and presenting an honest question. Why are you responding in that manner to him?"

    "perspective" has it's brethren, "discussion", "debate", "disputation", which all lead to "delusion".......period.......

    why not respond to such in Truth?

    sadly ;-) those who have not received "a love of The Truth", can not respond in Truth!

    so, who are the trolls?

  • Hellrider

    once again, discussion, disputation, debate, all manifest but delusionary "shadows" of Truth.......period.......

    simply, Truth, as all that is Good, is Spirit and must be received.......period.......

    and once received, needs be shared.......period.......

    So, in other words: What I`m telling you is the Truth and nothing but the Truth, and everyone who doesn`t accept this, is doomed. That is what you are saying, right?

    So...as there are thousands of people saying the exact same thing concerning their particular versions of "the truth" (and frankly, most of them with better arguments than you) - why should anyone believe you?

  • ElderChild

    "why should anyone believe you"?

    one who has received "a love of The Truth" would not ask that question.

    Truth IS What IS.......period....... apart from Truth there is but delusion, deception, seduction, and other variations of the lie ;-(

    sadly, mankind's "imag"ination is fertile ground for "the father of lies" to plant the "seed" of that which is not, the untruth, the lie ;-(

    sadder yet, mankind's "imag"ination is perverting and destroying Creation(land, air, water, creatures, Truth, Peace, Love, Hope, .etc.) ;-(

    yet, while there is breath(spirit) there is hope!

    for Miracles do happen!

    hope is there would be those who experience The Miracle that is receiving "a love of The Truth" for they will "see" "The Light".......

    peace, in spite of the dis-eases(lies) that are of this wicked world....... francisco

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