Feeling kinda sad...

by changeling 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maddie

    I am sorry you are feeling down changeling and hope you don't feel sad for too long..

    It's strange isn't it that sometimes I feel like isolating from everyone, and other times I just long to be around people and entertain or party.

    I would like to meet people that post on JWD in time, as it's amazing the connection we can feel for people we never see.

    Thinking of you


  • BFD

    Changeling, I missed your party last night. Srooms, tarimisou and chocolate cake my favorite. I would have much rather have been at your party last night then doing what I was doing last night. Don't ask.


    Edit: an oops on location


    (((((changling)))))) - I was disappointed that you weren't in Richmond, I wanted so much to meet you.

    Maybe next year?

    It was so invigorating to meet these lovely people face to face. It truly energized me in a way that I never felt before. I felt like I was "home".

    We love you and hope you are feeling better soon.

  • changeling


    I'll PM you in a minute.

    A&W: I'm really sorry i missed it!

  • Hortensia

    I wish I could share my chocolate cake with you too - I wish more of you lived nearby. I am not a social person in the sense of liking large gatherings. In fact I tend to flee not long after arriving at a party, but I really enjoy small groups, good conversation, a lovely view and a little snack or two just to be sociable.

  • changeling

    Hortensia: that sounds lovely!

  • tijkmo

    hey just caught this - hope you are feeling better today

    i know what you mean tho..i get so sick of going to movies and gigs and coffee alone.

    truth is you do get used to it which is perhaps even sadder.

    tijkmo of the i don't wanna get used to it - i wanna get over it class

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