The comedy of it held my interest. If it had been more serious, I doubt I would have watched the whole thing. Thank goodness, Brenda is meeting her struggle with humor. I know when I was hanging out with JWs I became a much more serious person...hardly ever laughing or smiling for a long time....and that was just not my personality that I had been all those years before. I think all that gloom and doom drowns your bubbly parts. Everything becomes too serious.
I think she would do well with a SNL focus. At least she might give the average homebody a few good lines to one-up those pests and make the JWs WANT to leave instead of being TOLD to leave. She needs to decide who is her target market and gear the videos in that direction. If its intervention...maybe she should reveal some of the flip flops and secrecies. If it is prevention...teach people how to knock 'em down at the door and leave them speechless. Teach people how NOT to feed them so the JWs can't walk away feeling persecuted and "more special".
I think this cult is so dark that humor is the balance it needs.
If she can portray the JWs as the joke they are...well, there is truth in jest. Sometimes being made fun of hits them harder in the gut. Sometimes being serious right back can give the wrong impression that JWs have something credible to say.
Brenda, its a good start and a very good effort. I truly think humor can cut it to its core and you have a great flair for humor.
Come up with some skits and send it to Lorne Michaels. Maybe an outline for South Park script. Don't try to do it all by yourself.
You may be able to enlist the aid of some other comedy writers to help and be a consultant to them.
I keep seeing you as playing the part where Sissy Spacek shoots her husband as as he is laying on the floor bleeding to death she turns to him and asks "would you like some lemonade?"
Comedy can be a powerful weapon.