by Sad emo 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk

    I was back at the hospital today to have blood taken and then my line removed. Unfortunately, I'm CMV positive again. The line, therefore, is staying in just in case I have to be readmitted into the hospital. If the line was taken out it would mean having to have a canula inserted. OUCH!

    As I said, it's been a roller coaster - and now the CMV is up and down. I'm still very optimistic. The CMV is just a mild set-back in the whole sphere of things but, obviously, has to be kept on top of.

    Claire accompanied me and we each had a prawn sandwhich from Gregg's the bakers, which is just around the corner from the hospital! Yummy!!


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    Claire accompanied me and we each had a prawn sandwhich from Gregg's the bakers, which is just around the corner from the hospital! Yummy!!

    Hospital visits have their advantages eh, Ian? Pubsinger eats that many prawn sandwiches, I'm sure he'll turn into a prawn before long - or maybe turn pink like flamingoes do!!

    Sorry the line had to stay in this time, but like you say its better than having it removed and then needing a canula. It'll work out in the right time

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    Sorry everyone that I've come to this weeks thread far too late.

    Thanks again Emo for all your hard work in keeping this going.

    Thanks Ian for keeping us all updated on your progress - keep on fighting and little by little you will be getting stronger.

    I see you've been treating yourself to food at Greggs - nothing like going upmarket eh?!

    Kind regards and love to everyone.


  • ninja

    thanks again Emy and everyone for your thoughts.....my wee mum has recently been vomiting a lot....she had her anti sickness tablets changed and it seems to have helped settle it a bit.....she looks really frail though......thinking of all others facing hardships.....ninja

  • Alleymom
    I was back at the hospital today to have blood taken and then my line removed. Unfortunately, I'm CMV positive again. The line, therefore, is staying in just in case I have to be readmitted into the hospital. If the line was taken out it would mean having to have a canula inserted. OUCH!

    Oh, dear! And I just emailed you a few minutes ago congratulating you on being CMV negative and having the port taken out.

    Well, I see that you haven't let it affect your cheerful outlook, and at least you haven't turned pink like a flamingo (sad emo, you made me laugh!)

    Hugs, Ian!


  • Alleymom

    Ninja -- I'm sorry your mom's been so nauseous and has been vomiting. I will be thinking of her and praying that the new meds work to control it. Can she tolerate small (really teeny) bites of candied ginger? Some people find that that works wonders to soothe the tum, so if it's something she enjoys, maybe her doctor would approve it.


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