Don't go. Please.....
I Leave with Contradictory Emotions
by journey-on 28 Replies latest jw friends
At the end of a yoga class, we always sing those words. They seem appropriate for you, as you are leaving...
"May the long time sun shine upon you...
All love surround you...
And the pure light within you...
Guide your way on..."
Take care & God bless~
I think when you need the support or distraction or validation, you hang out on JWD and when life gets better you might move on. I have posted a lot on this forum this year, have needed the distraction to tell you the truth. I understand Journey-On what you are saying. It's too bad, though.
I’m leaving the board for a while.
What ever you've been here a whole 8 months and we will miss you so much...
Take Care Journey-on!
i have not been here long, but i was wondering that also, at some point and time, it is time to move on from this stage of discovery, and make our lives what they were meant to be , free from guilt and shame, and enjoy all life has to offer, and to be thankful for true friends we meet along the way!
good luck, big d
AK - Jeff
Return when you shall and time/emotion/healing permit or demand. This is a dynamic board, so some of us may be gone when you return, who knows.
I have enjoyed your posts and contributions.
Peace and Serenity
Take care, friend.
I learned alot from you.
i've enjoyed your posts these past few months and i wish you all the best. come back and visit us sometime.