Is there a God? The musings of madman as he walks through the woods

by dawg 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    That really screws me up Gopher, I've thought about that before and that damn sure has revelency. I have no answers and that makes me mad sometimes... maybe I'm so damn alone sans my broke ass friends that I feel the need to hope someone's watching out after me.. Knowing all the while that I'm simply alone

    Maybe I'm just pissed that this imaginary creature has screwed up 28 years of my life... maybe I think Jehovah the imaginary being, owes me some karma payback

  • dawg

    Blueviceroy, like the ying and yang right?... I like "it is what it is"... that's true, but I guess I was weak today and just wanted to believe in that moment of weakness that someone was going to help me.

    I'm such a wuss

  • blueviceroy

    I'm afraid we are meant to suffer. It is the tool to bring us awake . It is unpleasent so we do not desire this existence and we begin to seek the meaning in a way that brings a real understanding and not accept the world as it is . It's a perfect design

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Dawg, you're thinking of law school? That's great. I'm a 1st year law student. If you have any questions I can answer, let me know.

  • Gopher

    Dawg, since I have trouble believing any ot the three possibilities about "God" that I mentioned, that's the reason I lean toward disbelief. Not dogmatically so. Gently but firmly.

  • BrentR

    That is the advantage of being agnostic, you can just be happy knowing the jury is still out.

  • dawg

    John Doe, I may need to talk to you later on the law school thing.

    Connect the dots... I hear what your saying and I agree... Gopher killed my argument with the ole "who made God" thing anyway.

    I guess what it all boils down to is we don't know squat.

  • Gopher

    For some, the pickets on the fence are too painful, and agnosticism = agony.

    Some people don't want a jury to decide. Maybe there is no qualified jury here on earth. There will never be "absolute" proof available to humanity on the question of God.

    However, if you so choose, you can select belief or non-belief.

  • dawg

    As for the teachings of the Buddah, I've had my share of suffering

    I was in love with this beautiful JW lady once, and she was in love with me. We were supposed to be married... it didn't work out. I started questioning, for years I was like Cain in that TV show, Kinda wondered about until I was 35... family disowned me becasue I left the borg. I was given a college scholarship for drama and theatre, but i cahnged to micro biology after a year...

    Then lived with this beautiful UGA co-ed for a few years... came home from Boston and caught her with another man.... sure am glad I'm healthy as long as that lasts... I bet many of you have had worse..

  • dawg

    Gopher, I want to believe, but I know better.... it's just weakness that's all.

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