Is there a God? The musings of madman as he walks through the woods

by dawg 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • blueviceroy

    I hate to use the word God

    It makes me shift in my seat as I visualize people rolling the eyes in thier head and rubbing thier face until the lecture is over.

    It is not a good term

    We are the exact opposite of the realm of force that all reality is composed of , we can't touch or see or taste it or conceptualize it nor possess it or remember it if we experience it.

    It exists as surely as we exist , to beliieve that this existence is all there is not feasable in comparison to the scope of all that is

    If our meager sense of self as this egoic construct of mind/body comes to an end all the better , but the energy that causes life to be is what we really are not this concept of self that vanishes every moment we focus on some external matter , we are not a group of memorys and likes and dislikes and opinions and beliefs, we are the thing that experiences all of those things

    So believe or not believe is very unimportant , discovering the inner essence of what we are is the task each true human being is given , it is our birthright and our reward, it is the reason

    We all are part of LIFE in the broadest sense , life like the trees like all the other living things that form the LIFE on this planet, life in its most fundemental form, the being alive, the existing at the same time in the same place as part of the same thing kind of life

    When we forget this and dwell on our little bit we are experiencing, we are just deluding ourselves into believing we are something seperate

    Fear of extinction is all we are born with, it is our purpose to overcome this and silence the fear and face reality

  • jaguarbass

    Now to the point, if there is a God, why the hell would he allow something like this? Why would he listen to my prayers and let babies be born in such ways? I'm asking what ideas you here on the board have because I really do want to believe in God, but damn man, look at stuff like that and see the randomness in it! He don't do squat for man.... What do you guys think and please leave out the myth about the talking snake.....

    Hello Dawg. Good post. I've reached the same conclusion as you. I have done my own prayer experiments over the past 55 years and have to say God has left me in the lurch and abandoned me. I dont even have to look at the freaks of nature. In my 30's I wasn't alive long enough, hadn't seen and digested enough to come to that realization.

    I too would love to believe in God a higher power. I've read the bible 5 times cover to cover, and I just cant do it any more, the book is too incredible and full of inconsitencies and errors.

    What do I think? It's time for another paxil.

    Seriously I have numerous theories. Some for selfish reasons I root for more than others.

    My number 1, there is an interface between this dimension and an unseen dimension. We are spirits having human experiences. If we are having a less than wonderfull experience, in the perspective of eternity, whch we have before us as spirits, it is a short one. This is the pleasure planet, or at least some sort of amusement park for spirits, and we are here for our 75 years, plus or minus. I studied anantomy and physiology, I was taught there is preprogramed cell death. We designed the program in the spirit realm. This theorie is a form of reincarnation.

    I have to go to work so I will limit this response to 2 theories, this second one is not my favorite, but must be considered.

    We were put here by aliens.

    And you can make all kinds of extrapolations from that statement. All of them leading to another paxil moment.

  • sweetstuff

    I don't concern myself anymore with whether or not God exists. I prefer to contemplate how I treat my fellow human beings, something I actually can see purpose in. Is it how we got here that matters? Or how we live while we are here?

  • truthseeker


    One of the reasons I mostly stopped praying is because if God answers my prayer, he has to answer every other prayer and we know this doesn't happen.

  • Gopher

    WHAT A GREAT THREAD !! Lots of thinking people here voicing their views.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    Now to the point, if there is a God, why the hell would he allow something like this? Why would he listen to my prayers and let babies be born in such ways? I'm asking what ideas you here on the board have because I really do want to believe in God, but damn man, look at stuff like that and see the randomness in it! He don't do squat for man.... What do you guys think and please leave out the myth about the talking snake.....

    Bah! This is so pathetic. If you just have faith, all your questions will be answered.

    In fact the answers are right here on the internet if you weren't such a heathen and were willing to learn.

    Now leave your hate for god behind and watch this video with an open mind.

    I'll leave you with a quote from God: Ezekiel 13:18-20
    "Thus saith the Lord God, Woe to the women that sew pillows.... Behold, I am against your pillows."

    Does that answer your question?

  • blueviceroy

    The force of creation is not a servant , it is not a personality upon whom we may impose ourselves , or ask a favor or expect a moral point of view ,

    The force of creation gave us life ,this life , very simple . We are here , Ergo a force caused us to be . That force is God ,whatever that is.

    The truth isn't about feeling good or being asured, it's about being liberated and experiencing personal responsibility for our actions and not being given a purpose other than the one the creator put in us

    The people who convince us that God answers a prayer are the ones who sold us out and took God from us in the first place.

    A prayer heard by the force of creation?

    A desire to improve oneself into a more altruistic state with the aid of this creative force might get you somewhere , but to pray for an end to suffering?

    Our greatest blessing is the suffering which directs us to change.

  • Dorktacular

    Dawg, at least you lived with a beatiful coed, though. Count your blessings! Hee hee. I wonder about God a lot, too. The thing that bothers me the most is this.... Every damned idiot who I DON'T want to communicate with has several ways of contacting me. I can get emailed, faxed, my home phone, work phone, cell phone, even my mail box.... they can even knock on my door and talk to me. But yet the all powerfull and all knowing God can't communicate with anyone. We can talk to him, but he can't talk to us. That's why when people want to get into a religious argument with me, I tell them that arguing over religion is kind of like arguing about which one of us has the best imaginary friend. It just doesn't make sense. I made a deal with God a long time ago. I asked him if it was ok if I didn't go to the Kingdom Hall anymore and if it was ok with him that he should give me absolutely no sign. He didn't give me a sign, so we're cool. If God wants me, he knows where to find me.

  • VoidEater

    blueviceroy: Yes, perfect. The wind hasn't listened to my prayers, why would the power of creation?

    Helen: The difficulty with homosexuality in the Bible is thatthere are LOTS of things that were abominations, yet many contemporary Xtains limit their condemnation to homosexuality. Even leaving out how the concept means different things in different cultures, why aren't there more people condemning shellfish? They, too, are abominations (or at least eating them). The other thing to remember are these simple Theocratic teachings:

    The Mosaic law was limited to the Jews to set them apart from the nations of the world. No one but the Jews were under those commands. And:

    Jesus was the culmination of the Mosaic. We ae no longer under the law that forbids the eating of shellfish, homosexuality, etc., even if we were Jews.

    So let's give everyone a break (lobster eaters and non-lobster eaters) - it don't apply to us chickens any more.

  • AlphaOmega


    It's a bit of a mind-job at first, but this book puts a weird twist on it.

    It's Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch.

    I found an online version here

    The author was at an all time low and had loads of questions. The book is basically is set out as a dialogue between him and "God" - and it's a doddle to read.

    Not sure how accurate it is compared to the original... and it comes from a weird website... but take a look.. the printed copy had me hooked.


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