The happiest people on earth?

by nvrgnbk 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    My fading brother just informed me of two JW suicides in his area within the last few weeks.

    One was recently disfellowshipped.

    The other was an active publisher, possibly a ministerial servant.

    Both left young children behind.

    The cases appear to be unrelated.

    Of course suicide is nothing unique to Jehovah's Witnesses.

    But most of us know that as a group they are no happier than any other segment of the population, quite possibly less so due to the burdens placed upon them and their paradisaic hopes that go perpetually unrealized.

  • dawg

    Man, all I can say is that crap is sad... I almost did my self years ago... would have never made love to all those UGA gals if it'd worked... so many happy moments unrealized. I'm gald I woke the hell up and realized that it was the JWs that were fools not me. What you've written is sad.

  • jgnat

    I would dearly like to know if antidepressant use is higher amongst the Witness population. Dollars to dougnuts, it is.

  • nvrgnbk
    I'm gald I woke the hell up and realized that it was the JWs that were fools not me.

    I'm glad you woke up too.

    It is sad.

    Makes one wonder why God let them do it.

  • WTWizard

    Here is further evidence that they are not the happiest people on earth: If they were, then why do they need so many reminders to look and act happy?

  • purplesofa

    Makes one wonder why God let them do it.

    God is going to step in soon and keep man from completely killing himself!

    Won't be long.


  • BFD

    Nvr, that is just so sad. I read the thread yesterday started by newboy(?) and had to stop because it was emotionally overwhelming to me.

    I thought I was over the anger but, it keeps coming back. Especially when I read things like this.


  • nvrgnbk

    I thought I was over the anger but, it keeps coming back. Especially when I read things like this.

    Sorry for that.

    Not at all my intention.

    We have to be thankful we got out.

    Life is short.

    Remember when you told me that, bud?

    Hang in there.

  • BFD

    I know it was not your intent. And besides these things need to be exposed.

    I need to find a way of dealing with my anger and putting that energy to positive use. It is just hard, I'm only human. I will never allow myself to be eaten up by the anger as I've seen happen to some people.

    I need to find my way to the next step in my recovery process and I know with friends like you to help me along the way I'll be fine. There is some current drama going on with my mom and I just get so frustrated that when the WT$ twists the screws she falls for it ALL THE TIME WITHOUT QUESTION!



  • changeling

    nvr: I'm sorry to hear that. So sad...

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