The happiest people on earth?

by nvrgnbk 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • eclipse


    People usually kill themselves when they have lost all hope or when they feel they have no choice.

    I think the underlying factor for JW suicides is the immense pressure and guilt put apon them by this heartless religion.

  • AlphaOmega

    NVR - Thanks for highlighting this.

    It is sad... and it links in with a recent thread here about JWs and depression.

    So much pressure put on people, so much playing with emotions and so much manipulation.

    For the two that we know about and another for those that are on the brink


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Sorry to hear that sad news.

    It prompts me to share this update from a recent CO visit:

    One of the most anal-retentive, control freak, zero personality COs I've met in decades.

    In one of his talks he pretty much slammed anyone who goes to see a "Psychiatrist or Psychologist". Didn't exactly forbid it, just knocked it.

    Happy, happy. Joy, joy.

    Open Mind

    p.s. Good to see you around Nvr.

  • new boy
    new boy

    A women read our hand writing...20 years. She looked at my exwife and first thing she said was...

    "Honey the GUILT is going to kill you." kills alot of them.

  • Dagney

    Greetings nvr, hope you are well.

    This subject is just so so sad. And when you think about the pain the person was going through, there are no words.


  • coffee_black

    I actually think that this repeated message that they are the happiest people on earth makes individual jws feel that there is something wrong with them if they are not happy... just one more thing to live up to... it's telling them that if they are living up to all they are supposed to do and pleasing Jehovah then of course they are happy. If not...something is wrong with them. So they try harder and are still miserable... It's a viscous cycle.


  • Clam

    Tragic stuff Nvr. Very sad.


    PS Good to see your posting Bro.

  • lovelylil

    Here in MA I know of several JW's who committed suicide including a young mother (married right out of HS) of about 26 with 3 young kids ages 6 months, 2 and 4 who took a bottle of sleeping pills while her husband was at work. He found her dead when he got home, all three of the kids were in the house at the time.

    So sad really, Lilly

  • nvrgnbk

    I actually think that this repeated message that they are the happiest people on earth makes individual jws feel that there is something wrong with them if they are not happy... just one more thing to live up to... it's telling them that if they are living up to all they are supposed to do and pleasing Jehovah then of course they are happy. If not...something is wrong with them. So they try harder and are still miserable... It's a viscous cycle.


    I could not have said that any better, Coffee.

    I was never really happy and couldn't get why.

    The manipulation worked, I just did more.

    Then I burned out.

    Having a son kept me alive though.

    Now my strong( but not dogmatic) doubts about any kind of afterlife also encourage me to stick around.

    P.S. - Greetings back to all.

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    if they are living up to all they are supposed to do and pleasing Jehovah then of course they are happy. If not...something is wrong with them.

    That could be called the electric heater salesman syndrome

    I once heard of a woman whom a salesman had convinced to shift from natural gas central heating to individual electric heaters. Because of the bricks which accumulate heat, he told her that her heating bill would sharply decrease. She started with a few appliances but, after a few months,she complained to the salesman that her bill was the same. His reply was conclusive : the cost was not down because she had changed only a few sets and to prove it, he suggested that she change all of them.

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