Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy
View of the military
by ninja 55 Replies latest jw friends
Or they could be very smart people who crave structure in their lives and hope that the decision-makers above them make good decisions. Some also see it as a rewarding career. Unfortunately, you have to make a part of you die inside to be able to reconcile with taking another person's life, either through direct or indirect action.
I know lots of people in the military and your blanket statement is quite off the mark. -
Military men are just dumb stupid animals
Offensive - many officers have degrees - these days there are also women in the military
John Doe
That is quite an ignorant generalization there, Ninja. I suspect your emotions are overpowering your thought.
Ninja -- whose view of the military is that? Surely not your view.
I bet that's not Ninja's view. His ancestors were the devils in skirts.
Ninja you statement shows your prejudice, or maybe you weren't smart enough to enter military service. I served and I have 2 college degrees, my brother was with delta force and he has two master degrees. So we are hardly stupid nor a dumb animal, you statement is very offensive and shows you lack of understanding.
marmot you say something has to die inside you when you kill someone, or really and how many have you killed so that you can speak from experience. I served a couple of tours in vietnam and was put in the circumstance of having to shoot others and kill them, not a problem when you reconcile the fact they are trying to kill you. Like Gen. Patton, I believed that they should die for their country and beliefs and i wanted to help them along in accomplishing that. NO something did not die or curl up inside of me I was glad it was them and not me.
tut tut should know me by now.....did you notice I didnt say.....MY... view of the military....put quotation marks round that phrase and google who did say it
John Doe
Generally it's a good idea to either quote an idea not your own or at least mention it's not your own. I don't look at who is posting 95% of the time--I just look at the words.
hey johnny boy...gets people to think though.....and thanks for the guide to board etiquette....he he