Ooooh, that was a bit much no?
Besides, by that reasoning the U.S. should be bombing Saudi Arabia, since there don't seem to have been any Iraqi or Afghan hijackers.
View of the military
by ninja 55 Replies latest jw friends
Did you know that a large percentage of career military people are SJ's(That's a Myers Briggs classification). They love structure and order, admire authority and like to be in control.
Quite a balancing act they're doing here, eh?
Oh, was it just thier imagination as well?
What you are seeing despite what you have been told is a crime, not an act of war. If it was an act of war then why are we still at peace with the state of Michigan. The state of Michigan still has not apologized for the attack on Oklahoma City, and may still be harboring people involved in the terrorist plot to destroy the Alfred P. Murrah building.
Tell me why aren't we killing Michigonians, or trolls as lower Michigonians are called by their northern counter parts. Aren't they just as responsible for what happened in OKC as Iraqi's are for what happened in NYC. I was born in Oklahoma I want revenge for what the state of Michigan did to us that day in April 1995. Kill the trolls damn it! Their shoud be patrols in Detroit every day and house searches every night to make sure that never ever happen again!
I do not like war. It kills and maims people. Destroys lives.
But never should we make such a blatant disrespectful statement that you have made on this site.
Persons join the military for many reasons- that does not make them stupid, etc.
Many are misled by the advertisements to join. Many hope they will gain a college degree with financial help. Many do not or did not have employment and needed the salaries to support themselves or their families. Many felt the discipline and structure of the miltary would make them better persons. Many actually believe they are or have served their country's best interests.
We have lost too many in past wars and present wars to say such ignorant statements.
But never should we make such a blatant disrespectful statement that you have made on this site.
Ronin why don't you google the quote to see who might of said it first. It's a big shocker
Thanks for the history lesson
I did enter the statement in "google"-here it is:
MK-Ultra, Agent Orange and DU. After Vietnam, Henry Kissinger said, "Militarymen are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy. But I still stand by my post. It does not make saying this or repeating this statement right.
It's a terrible statement to make about persons in the military, when they are loosing their lives everyday.
don't we wish there was just no military when this country began,,don't you wish there was no military here when Hitler arose and Japan military was taking over the East in the 40's, wouldn't our country be so much better,,don't you wish we didn't have a military now, I am sure everyone else in the world would be so happy and would all just be so nice to us,, oops,,we're not in heaven yet.
new boy
Well it seems a harsh generalization.
What they are in is a "kill or be killed" profession....Not a good business to be in.
It staggers the imagination, really!
What exactly stands between us in our relative safety and the gaping maw of outside destruction by sinister forces but the Military?
The Tibetans chose peace, prayer and non-violence as their reply to Chinese communists who over-ran their country.
Theirs was a brutal and swift destruction! Just ask the Dali Lama.
Turn the other cheek looks good on paper. However, what if they want your ass too?
Reality check!
Without people willing to risk life and limb on your (reluctant) behalf; you wouldn't have the generous opportunity of reviling their aid, now would you?
I feel very badly for not even serving in a civilian capacity during the Viet nam war as a "neutral" Jehovah's Witness. While others died I memorized Freddy Franz's phoney chronologies! All the while in a Federal Prison, alas.
We all don't have to be soldiers, but; we can honestly do something on behalf of the families of those who want to protect us can we not?
If they guard the door and we live in peace and sleep soundly in our own bed all the while; the payback should be more than blatant denunciations. Right?