I would rather have 20 cases of the flu then one case of Alzheimers.
After Effect of Flu Shot
by snowbird 53 Replies latest jw friends
Mercury? Are you serious?
A very merry unbirthday to you! -
Hugh Fudenberg, MD, an immunogeneticist and biologist with nearly 850 papers published in peer review journals, has reported that if an individual had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied), his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than if they had zero, one, or two shots.[vii]
Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky, Lexington has done extensive research in the area of mercury toxicity and the brain. Haley’s research has established a likely connection between mercury toxicity and Alzheimer’s disease. [viii] In a paper published in collaboration with researchers at University of Calgary, Haley stated that "seven of the characteristic markers that we look for to distinguish Alzheimer's disease can be produced in normal brain tissues, or cultures of neurons, by the addition of extremely low levels of mercury."[ix]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHqVDMr9ivo
MSDS for mercury
Potential Health Effects
Mercury vapor is highly toxic via this route. Causes severe respiratory tract damage. Symptoms include sore throat, coughing, pain, tightness in chest, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, headache, muscle weakness, anorexia, gastrointestinal disturbance, ringing in the ear, liver changes, fever, bronchitis and pneumonitis. Can be absorbed through inhalation with symptoms similar to ingestion.
May cause burning of the mouth and pharynx, abdominal pain, vomiting, corrosive ulceration, bloody diarrhea. May be followed by a rapid and weak pulse, shallow breathing, paleness, exhaustion, tremors and collapse. Delayed death may occur from renal failure. Gastrointenstinal uptake of mercury is less than 5% but its ability to penetrate tissues presents some hazard. Initial symptoms may be thirst, possible abdominal discomfort.
Skin Contact:
Causes irritaton and burns to skin. Symptoms include redness and pain. May cause skin allergy and sensitization. Can be absorbed through the skin with symptoms to parallel ingestion.
Eye Contact:
Causes irritation and burns to eyes. Symptoms include redness, pain, blurred vision; may cause serious and permanent eye damage.
Chronic Exposure:
Chronic exposure through any route can produce central nervous system damage. May cause muscle tremors, personality and behavior changes, memory loss, metallic taste, loosening of the teeth, digestive disorders, skin rashes, brain damage and kidney damage. Can cause skin allergies and accumulate in the body. Repeated skin contact can cause the skin to turn gray in color. A suspected reproductive hazard; may damage the developing fetus and decrease fertility in males and females.
Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions:
Persons with nervous disorders, or impaired kidney or respiratory function, or a history of allergies or a known sensitization to mercury may be more susceptible to the effects of the substance. -
I had my (first ever) flu shot yesterday. But I'm not sure whether they gave me the good stuff, or just saline, lol. 'Cause I feel nothing, and it didn't even leave a mark.
My arm does hurt though, but I doubt it's from the flu shot; I've got an inflamed tendon in my wrist.
Supposedly, mercury is added to vaccinations as a preservative.
S -
Interesting about the mercury. I didn't know that.
I got my shot two days ago and experience any side effects.
"mad hatter syndrome"
http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-mad2.htm -
It's not "supposedly", it is! It's called Thimersol and it has been removed from most child vaccinations but is still flu vaccinations. You can request a thimersol free one but most clinics do not stock them and they must be special ordered.
It's listed in the package inserts and your doctor's office can verify this.
I think more people read the ingredients of packaged foods then what they allow to be injected into thier bodies.
The only time I had a severe reaction to a flu shot was back in the early 70's when I got the shot to prevent "Swine Flu". It was coming and supposed to be very bad....and they were giving out free shots to residents at a vacant store in the next town. So I went and got one. I was the only one in my household that got one----thinking I was so smart and informed and all. I figured if any of the kids brought this flu home from school---at least there would be ONE healthy person to take care of them. (har-de-har)
A few hours later, I began with the chills and fever, tremendous aches and pains, and was "out of it" for the better part of three days. It was awful. I would hate to have the "real thing" if this was what the preventive measure" was!
Nobody in our family came down with this Swine Flu, and nobody we KNEW did either. Hubby says it was probably a government-financed experiment that we will NEVER ever discover what it was really for.
Call me a guinea pig for Uncle Sam.
Doctors, clinics and drug companies are shielded from lawsiuts for adverse vacine reactions in the US. If they are safe then why such a blanket protection?
Swedish Bitters™ cleanses the system, promotes regularity, improves digestion, soothes and even energizes, too. In Europe millions of people use it every day as a household remedy for a wide variety of simple complaints. You'll taste it's power immediately. Swedish Bitters is strong, yet its centuries old formula of eleven prized traditional herbs is naturally safe and gentle to your system. Thank you, Satanus and all who responded. BrentR, our shots are free via the county, so I'll bet they aren't mercury free. However, I work in law enforcement and come into contact with a lot of transient people, so I think the benefit will outweigh the potential harm.