The Fortune Cookie Thread. Share yours! (Unabashed Friday Fluff) :- )

by Open mind 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Priest73

    "The funk of a chicken is measured by is beak."


  • DJK

    "You will soon be reunited with old friends"

    It wasn't in bed. I had dinner with two old friends, I hadn't seen for 35 years, later that week.

    Fortune telling? or coincidence?

  • mrsjones5

    You can always find happiness at work on bed.

  • reneeisorym

    Depart not from the path which fate has assigned or you will die a hideous death.

    AAH... Can you depart from fate? ... Can you escape death? I'm confused.

  • serendipity

    Last week, I got one that said "someone who loves you wants to make amends". This week my mother told me she loved me - the first time since 1985.

  • memario
    "Someone is speaking well of you."

    Hey BB Who's your daddy?


  • loosie

    well the week after my company announced that all the jobs will be going in India in December, my hubby and I went to dinner. My fortume cookie read

    " you will be changing career paths soon "

    And boy was it right

  • tnangel73

    My online one just read, You will have good luck and overcome many hardships.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Can you say "how fast can I run to the bathroom???"

    you know...I ate pineapple chicken at my usual chinese place...reheated the leftovers a day food poisoning...I know I stored/reheated it properly....

    My fortune that day? : You will have many friends when you need them.

    Damn...the fortune cookie finally got one right...I have made good friends here.....thank you for your friendship.

    ....good thing..because my JW friends are leaving faster than a crowd at a Chinese restaraunt after getting BA's fortune

    Snakes ()

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    you know...I ate pineapple chicken at my usual chinese place...reheated the leftovers a day food poisoning...I know I stored/reheated it properly....

    My fortune that day? : You will have many friends when you need them.

    Damn...the fortune cookie finally got one right...I have made good friends here.....thank you for your friendship.

    Aaawwww Snakes, I'm sorry to hear that! I know we even talked about the pineapple chicken that night too! Next time you are up here I'll make my pineapple chicken for you. I hope you are feeling better. I value your friendship too.


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