The smoking gun: Proof they intentionally lied about Iraq to go to war

by Simon 34 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    Back in November 2005, Col Lawrence Wilkerson, the chief of staff to Mr Powell, told the BBC's Carolyn Quinn he was aware the Germans had said that they had told the CIA of the unreliability.

    "And then you begin to speculate, you begin to wonder was this intelligence spun; was it politicised; was it cherry-picked; did in fact the American people get fooled?," Col Wilkerson said.

    Interesting, but not surprising.

    They never had hard evidence (how could they? there wasn't any) ... and they knowingly lied.

  • stillajwexelder

    What is indisputable is the Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds

  • nvrgnbk

    This is possibly even more embarrassing than the Bush administration's involvement with Ahmed Chalabi.

    How Ahmed Chalabi conned the neocons

  • Robdar

    Some of us knew they were lying all along. And boy did we catch hell for pointing it out.

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene
    What is indisputable is the Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds

    and then

    Only six months after the slaughter at Halabja, the White House lent Saddam Hussein another billion dollars.
    All the Western countries were supplying it with arms and funds. France was particularly zealous in this respect. Not content with selling Mirages and helicopters to Iraq, it even lent the regime Super Etendard aircraft in the middle of its war with Iran. Germany supplied Baghdad with a large part of the technology required for the production of chemical weapons. And in an unusual display of East-West military cooperation, German engineers enhanced the performance of the Scud aircraft which Iraq had obtained from the Soviet Union, increasing their range so that they could strike at Teheran and other distant Iranian cities.

    Clearly, Iraq’s powerful allies did not want Baghdad condemned. In August 1988 the United Nations Sub-Committee on Human Rights voted by 11 votes to 8 not to condemn Iraq for human rights violations. Only the Scandinavian countries, Australia and Canada, together with bodies like the European Parliament and the Socialist International, saved their honour by clearly condemning Iraq.

    It was not until Iraq occupied the oil-rich emirate of Kuwait in August 1990 that Saddam Hussein became America’s bogeyman, referred to by George Bush as a new Hitler. Still useful, however, he survived the Gulf war. American troops did nothing to overturn the Iraqi dictator. And they stood idly by in the spring of 1991 while his presidential guard ruthlessly suppressed the popular uprising for which the United States’ president had himself called.

    and then in 2003

    President Bush, Vice President Cheney and other top administration officials asserted before the U.S. invasion that Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear weapons program, had chemical and biological weapons and maintained links to al Qaeda affiliates to whom it might give such weapons to use against the United States.

    but in 2004

    Charles A. Duelfer, whom the Bush administration chose to complete the U.S. investigation of Iraq's weapons programs, said Hussein's ability to produce nuclear weapons had "progressively decayed" since 1991. Inspectors, he said, found no evidence of "concerted efforts to restart the program." The findings were similar on biological and chemical weapons. While Hussein had long dreamed of developing an arsenal of biological agents, his stockpiles had been destroyed and research stopped years before the United States led the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Duelfer said Hussein hoped someday to resume a chemical weapons effort after U.N. sanctions ended, but had no stocks and had not researched making the weapons for a dozen years.

    Duelfer's report, delivered yesterday to two congressional committees, represents the government's most definitive accounting of Hussein's weapons programs, the assumed strength of which the Bush administration presented as a central reason for the war. While previous reports have drawn similar conclusions, Duelfer's assessment went beyond them in depth, detail and level of certainty.

    "We were almost all wrong" on Iraq, Duelfer told a Senate panel yesterday.

    ....The document rules out the possibility that biological weapons might have been hidden, or perhaps smuggled into another country, and it finds no evidence of secret biological laboratories or ongoing research that could be firmly linked to a weapons program.

    and yet

    House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) said: "We didn't have to find plans or weapons to see what happened when Saddam Hussein used chemical and biological weapons on his own people. So just because we can't find them and Saddam Hussein had 12 years to hide them doesn't mean he didn't have them and didn't use them."

    and people are still echoing this sentiment in spite of all available facts.

    And people continue to suffer and die for a lie while other people profit from it.


  • restrangled

    Bush was an idiot from day one...At least 50 percent of Americans understood that and voted other wise both times but based on our election system.... by States with born again christians...they had higher voting numbers than others which was then called a "mandate" by this fool now in office.

    Smoking such thing.....thinking people understood that in this country. The USA became over run by right wing religious idiots....worried about abortion and gays, versus real problems. They based their votes on the above instead of real world problems and helped put in a "born again christian" who said he was put there by god.....

    OH please....the administration is full of liars and theives, and we have to tolerate another 15 months of his crap.

    I would love to see him removed. We invaded a soverign country, and I will bet you a 10 spot he's going to do it again with Iran......and this damn congress won't stand up and fight him.


  • avishai
    Some of us knew they were lying all along. And boy did we catch hell for pointing it out.

    Yep, and I for one apologize!!!!

  • wanderlustguy

    I remember the first time it dawned on me that the US was to become the next Soviet Union, right after the collapse of it. Over time it has become more and more of a reality. The United States as we know it and the rest of the world is about to undergo a change that no one can describe. I fear for my daughters and everyone else I care about, because science fiction has nothing on what we're about to see. No food storage or bomb shelter or any amount of preparation is going to help.

    Before too long, there will be enough people who realize that we do better to serve humanity than to serve "God". That's when the real change will come. One thing about men who scream they serve God at the top of their lungs...they do serve their God...the one in the mirror. The other thing is they don't give up what they believe is their God-given duty to make everyone else believe the same way, even if it kills them.

    Sometimes I really believe ignorance is bliss.

    The rest of the time I just hope I'm crazy.

  • zeroday
    Bush was an idiot from day one...I would love to see him removed

    Don't worry he will be out in a little over a year and our new president Hillary will travel the globe apologizing and kissing all the Islomfascists arsh begging them not to attack us again... I'm sure they will understand and spare us....

  • restrangled

    Zeroday...We don't need any more Clintons either. There have been enough of both Clintons and Bush administrations to last me a lifetime!

    Because of the media, and the stinking 2 party system we don't have much of a choice.

    I would vote for Bill Richardson in the Primaries, but because I am registered as an independant I don't have a vote. The 2 party rule doesn't allow my voice. I say lets vote now by the total number of votes for what ever canidate you want not by a states electoral amount.

    Thats how MR. MORON got elected, not by the popular vote, but by the states electoral votes. You know ..."red" states.

    Hillary is not who I would want in office!


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