The smoking gun: Proof they intentionally lied about Iraq to go to war

by Simon 34 Replies latest social current

  • 5go
    What is indisputable is the Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds

    I wonder why Saddam wasn't tried for that when they killed him. Could it be the fact that the recent former Secatary of Deffence Donald Rumsfield aided them in acquring said gas, and Reagan's administration signing off on Saddam's use of said gas on said Kurds.

  • zeroday

    Zeroday...We don't need any more Clintons either. There have been enough of both Clintons and Bush administrations to last me a lifetime!

    You and me both but unforunately for us both it will be a Clinton or a Guliani the only question is what will they do. Hillary will roll over and beg for forgiveness and Guliani will KICK A** you may not like the options but where do you want to be in 10 years... Forget about Bush's failed foreign policy this election is about the future...

  • restrangled
    I wonder why Saddam wasn't tried for that when they killed him

    They haven't caught Mr. 911 so someone had to die.....

    Sadam was a beast and he deserved to die, but there are many more around the world that we have supported or are supporting.

    Bush and Cheney needed a fall guy, and they got him.

  • brinjen

    Interesting viewing here:

    This story broke a couple of years back here in Oz, Rod Barton was a UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq before the war started. He resigned in protest as he claims his words were always being twisted to suit the support for the war. He claimed he saw no evidence of weapons production in Iraq, they may have some weapons left over from 91 but no system to deliver them any further than they're neighbouring countries. He was even told by our pollies here in Oz to not inspect certain sites so they could keep the "we didn't know" line in play.

  • Robdar
    Yep, and I for one apologize!!!!

    Avi, It is very gentlemanly of you to apologize but there is no need. Even when we disagreed, I always respected your opinion and your spunk. Give me a hug....


  • restrangled

    Zero day....

    Therein lies the problem...Mr G. from New York ran around with a big mouth and a cover over it but actually did nothing. It was the Fire Depatments that handled the entire situation. He acted like he was in charge, but really wasn't. Just Like when the Military had to take over in the Katrina situation. It wasn't Bush in charge or Fema it was the expertise of our Military that finally got things going.

    These politicians like to take credit but actually do nothing but eat up tax dollars and spew out so much hot air I sometimes wonder if this isn't our global warming problem

    Would I vote for Mr. G from New York or Clinton, to avoid another republican I would be forced to vote for Clinton.......both stink....and that my friend is the problem with our system.

    I repeat, lets get a voting systen where there are no parties, just vote for who you want in office and the most votes win! Isn't that how it usually works in everyday life?


  • avishai
    Avi, It is very gentlemanly of you to apologize but there is no need. Even when we disagreed, I always respected your opinion and your spunk. Give me a hug....

    Dunno if my hugs are all that gentlemanly but here goes...


  • sammielee24

    Bush and Cheney needed a fall guy, and they got him.

    ....and despite the fact that Saddam offered to leave Iraq before they bombed the country with 2 million dollars. Bush declined his offer, even though he had said that he was giving Saddam a chance to leave quietly. That 2 million is far less than the 3 trillion dollars that it's cost us thus far so one has to wonder at just how much info this administration was afraid would be leaked if they allowed Saddam to leave.

    Let's remember too - Iraq never was involved in 9/11 so the game of going in and looking for weapons was nothing more than a ruse for war. If you heard about Rumsfelds memo's on the news, you will have to admit that they all conspired from day one in lying to the American people to keep them afraid even when they knew the truth. The occupation, based on a lie, has led to the death of almost 4,000 American troops and that number continues to climb and under the direction of the Chief. Saddam as Chief, directed the deaths of the same number of Kurds. And through it all - we know from what the Chief has told us that all the terrorists were Saudi's. sammieswife.

  • nvrgnbk

    Smoking such thing.....thinking people understood that in this country. The USA became over run by right wing religious idiots....worried about abortion and gays, versus real problems. They based their votes on the above instead of real world problems and helped put in a "born again christian" who said he was put there by god.....

    Way to break it down, r!

    Before too long, there will be enough people who realize that we do better to serve humanity than to serve "God". That's when the real change will come.

    You too, WLG!


  • sf

    Yes, it would appear that the Bush ASSministration is eerily similar to the death machine, the WATCHTOWER ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK USA. And is summed up beautifully and precisely, here:

    people are still echoing this sentiment in spite of all available facts.

    And people continue to suffer and die for a lie while other people profit from it



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