What political flavor are you? Are you secure in your politics? Do you feel a need to bash your opposing ideologies? Inquiring minds want to know. :-)
political orientation
by John Doe 36 Replies latest jw friends
I believe political parties are intentionally designed to divide people and their attentions away from the real problems. Also to keep the two parties (different sides of the same coin) in power.
If I had to choose an ideology i particularly identitfy with, it would be libritarianism although I hate the name libertarian.
John Doe
Libertarian, huh? Not that there's anything wrong with that! ;-)
You is sooo funny JD
Is there anything worse with seeing how something doesn't work, and yet, knowing it is all you have to work with?
Anybody who thinks any "group" can accomplish something efficiently is lying to themselves. Certainly "government" is inefficient. But, worse.
Federal programs are cumbersome, wasteful sinkholes of ineptitude.
Look at how the hospitals for ex-military are run! Scandalous!!
So, I'm against government anything that requires fat-assed, job-secure under-achievers sitting behind a desk handing you forms to fill out while they munch a Snickers bar.
Does this make me Conservative? Well, only by default.
I think Liberals and other Democrats are extremely self-righteous collectivists who try and buy votes by promising Government sponsored hand-outs which will never work.
I think the only hope of any efficiency is local grassroots citizens and private industries.
People can only help themselves when the are motivated enough to do so.
Politicians are astoundingly inauthentic human beings who posture and fulminate playing off our fears and encouraging our worst suspicions.
But, just think about it----would I want to live in a Socialist country? Hell no!
I just think it all stinks and I'm too old to worry about it any more.
That is a cop out, to be sure.
But, it is how I feel.
Someday, some Third Party weirdo will get in office and shake things up enough so that we actually start appreciating the corruption and inefficiency we have now.
Call me an optimist!
I consider myself more in line with the Constitution Party. But I can't vote that way until the U.S.A. goes to Instant Runoff Voting - which it never will because it is not in the best 'interest' of the two major parties.
Had there been Instant Runoff Voting back in '92, Clinton would not have been elected President with just 41% of the popular vote.
Sad emo
Do the US parties have widely differing policies? I mean is there a real choice to make between the two? If not, IP may be correct that political parties are there to divide people!
Here in the UK we have 3 main political parties - but they all seem to have the same policies - just maybe different ideas of how to get them to work - and they spend a lot of time slagging each other off if something doesn't work out right when the reality is that all the party currently in power has to work with is what the previous ruling party left them with!
Then we have a load of smaller parties which again have the same policies, the only difference is that they will also trumpet one particular cause eg EC membership, immigration, 'green' issues etc.
I don't have any particular loyalty - I tend to look at the individual person and their ideas rather than the party as a whole.
"I believe political parties are intentionally designed to divide people and their attentions away from the real problems. Also to keep the two parties (different sides of the same coin) in power.
If I had to choose an ideology i particularly identitfy with, it would be libritarianism although I hate the name libertarian."
I could not have put it clearer for myself too. And what Terry wrote also resonates with me. So how do you go about changing a bi-partisan, bi-polar structure? -
I'm with the Labor Party ideals, at least the older Labor Party (much like how the democrats used to be in the US. ) Although I don't think if Kevin Rudd (current Labor leader) gets in this election he will do too bad a job. No worse than what the conservatives have done for last 11 1/2 years.
John Doe
I think a change in election procedures would be needed to diversify parties.
What do you think of this idea? Let everyone have 2 votes with the stipulation that each vote must be for a different candidate. Such a system would give everyone equal voting power, but it would insure that no one felt as if they were "wasting" their vote, and therefore they would feel comfortable voting for a non mainstream candidate.