Do Ladies Prefer Gentlemen?

by compound complex 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Lady Friends,

    I'm massively naif when it comes to the ways of the world. And 40 years a WTA has not given me a great sense of what's real: crazy rules and regs on "appropriate behavior."

    Years ago a sister, who claimed she was always on the run from men, declared me a "non-threatening" male. She never ran away from me ...

    Anyway, is chivalry dead? Is a gentleman the odd man out?

    CoCo Le Guy

    Edited to add: "naif" is masculine, and while not improper, naive is standard. It's just a "guy" thing. Thanks for the heads-up, onacruise!

  • helncon

    Hi CoCo,

    For me i think its a nice thing when men hold the door open for women.

    Its great when they do the 'men' things.

    But i think society has now got us all on equal levels now and those things are far gone. Even on dates most will split the bill or take it in turns to pay.

    You will get the occasional man who will do these things but not very ofter and these are men who are in their late forties on ward.

    Though i know some guys do it to impress their new girlfriends as i think it is an inbuilt comodity for women that men should do this.


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Women prefer scoundrels. They will say they like nice guys and what not, but just look at a girls ex-boyfriends and I'm sure you will see a certain pattern. Basically there is something inately more manly about the bad boy.

    Most times in the dating world men figure this out by college. As I always say the witness religion has a way of emasculating you as a man and certain rites of passage men should go thru, are not weathered by most dub-men.

  • sweetstuff

    A gentleman isn't the odd man out, he's the one we are all looking for, polite, thoughtful, articulate and romantic. Yup, that should never go out of style.

  • bem

    Yes this one does

  • eclipse
    Do Ladies Prefer Gentlemen?

    Gentlemen strangers, yes, Those men are appreciated very much.

    They are polite, kind, non-threatening, and helpful. They hold doors open and help with heavy groceries, etc.

    Do I prefer a gentleman for a mate? No.

    As a mate, it is nice, but I like it that he does not treat me like I am fragile or weaker (even though I am weaker physically)..

    I am strong enough to help him do tough jobs, know my way around tools enough to know the difference between a phillips and robertson.

    I know how to use powertools, and I dont mind getting dirty.

    I'm a tom-boy though and not a 'girly-girl' so that probably is the reason why I prefer my man to treat me more as an equal,

    and not as a weaker woman who needs help.

    Maybe my views are wrong, I look forward to reading other's comments.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Gentlemen don't always treat us as weaker. In fact I'd say REAL gentlemen don't - they respect us for who we are without feeling that their own masculinity is threatened.

    Yeah, gentlemen rock! And in the UK they are a dying breed.

  • onacruse

    CoCo, first I must, I must, correct your spelling: it is "naive." Such is my wont in life, to correct other people in their spelling. LOLOLOLOL

    As for women, and what they want? How the heck to I know? I've been one of the most naive persons I can imagine in that respect, and can only count myself a very lucky fellow to have met a woman who respected me for what I am, and who respected, in turn, her, for who she is.

    All that said: Ladies prefer gentlemen, and gentlemen should be gentlemen.

  • flipper

    Yes I prefer men (and people in general) who are kind and considerate. And no, women (who don't have major issues) do not prefer "bad boys" . Those who do will likely find out that the loud, rude, "bad" guys are insecure, weak, lacking in real masculinity. Good thread, CoCo! Mrs. Flipper

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Whether a guy holds the door open of offers to help me on with my coat are the small petty things that don't stack up too well against the more important things

    • does he listen and remember
    • does he repeatedly tell me how good his things are compared to mine
    • does he try to anticipate myevery whim and then fulfills it (believe after a while it pales as "treating me as if I can't manage on my own")
    • does he listen and remember
    • does he treat me one way in public and another at home (the public gets to see his good side and how nice he is to his poor disabled wife)
    • does he ask my opinion just to ignore it
    • does he listen to me and REMEMBER

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