Maybe this was what a newbie was talking about last week?
Mum aged 22 dies for Jehovah
by MidwichCuckoo 114 Replies latest watchtower medical
What an absolute and total disaster!
This is a disgrace that in this day and age, a ludicrous bunch of old farts in Brooklyn can demand the life of a 22 year old mother and no one, absolutely no one can demand justice from them for her death!
The WT Society is NOT a religion!
This girl died for nothing! God is not pleased! She died to avoid the living death of Disfellowshipping, Shunning or Disassosiation!
This girl needs justice and so does her family!
The WT Soceity needs to be exposed for the Sham that it is!
We must all demand Justice!
Email the links on the Sun's homepage and ask for more to be published on this! Tell your own stories!
Let's give this family the Justice they do NOT know that they deserve!
This poor girl was murdered by a mind control cult's ridiculous rules!
Let's knock a few more bricks out of the Watchtower's walls!!
Poor Babies losing their mum, Poor girl losing her life such a tragic waste
but on the other hand no doubt there will be a few young sisters with a glint in their eye ready to hop round there and 'help' with the babies now theres an eligible batchelor freed up.
James Free
It is getting a lot of publicity - this is the front page of the biggest selling newspaper in the UK. Let's hope this causes a lot of discomfort on the doors and warns off potential converts. The GB is bloodguilty for that death, and should be charged - this is one of the very few things I disagree with Ray Franz over - the GB is responsible and is entirely to blame for the deaths their interpretation bring about. -
Its nothing but a human sacrifice.
Made on the altar of Watchtower dogma.
The sad irony about this story is that if she had accepted a blood transfusion and survived, she would have been considered disassociated, the same as DF'd and she would have been shunned as a condemned sinner!
If she had been a pedophile the congregation would have accepted her with open arms and supported her as in the case of the London JW convicted pedophile!
What a twisted religion the Jehovah's Witnesses really is!!
See this: an exjw claims that when she was having twins the hospital liaison committee FORCED her to REFUSE blood.
She died to avoid the living death of Disfellowshipping, Shunning or Disassosiation!
Excellently put Gill!
nelly136 - I was just thinking the same, if the widower remains a dub, I imagine he'll be remarried within the year.
MC - it is quite amazing that the WTBTS can KILL a person without even touching them! They give out the direction that a particular person is 'spiritually dead' by the simple method of 'announcing them' from the platform!
From that moment on, even though JWs can see you, even though you family can see you, you no longer exist!
Totally sick!!
Damn the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society!
This young woman was literally between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea! Hardly surprising she chose to JUMP!
Sad emo
6 For I desire mercy, not sacrifice,
and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings. (Hosea 6:6)7 If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,'you would not have condemned the innocent. (Matthew 12:7)
WTS you stand judged by the same book you use to judge others...