What makes this even more dispicable in my mind is the fact that the WTS has gone through all of this blood fraction bull**** in the recent past. . . dissecting what you can and cannot have when this young girl was martyred for the sake of the ramblings of mad old men. If someone had taken a packet of blood and written "blood fractions' across it would they have accepted it then? Considering that yes, if you look at it from a certain point of view, it does contain fractions of blood. ALL of them, but still in parts! They play with semantics while people die. I cannot understand how these people sleep at night.
Any JW lurkers who may be reading this, I ask you- how in good conscience can you go out and knock on anyone's door and perpetuate the fetid, rotting garbage that the tower produces? How can you sleep at night knowing you're out there trying to convert people to a cult with such twisted perceptions of right and wrong?
Somehow, I would like to think that someone will pay for this someday. But in my heart, I know that the only one who has paid is Emma- and her babies.
Any man who could stand by and watch his young wife bleed to death. . .*shudder*
And yet. I know that my ex husband would have done it "for" me believing he was right all the time.
I'm just heartsick over this.